2. Cinderella Beauty

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~Ryan's POV~

"Are you okay?" I asked her while gently touching her elbows.

"Yeah, I'm fine." she said as she smiled through her tears, but winced as it hurt. Damn, i thought to myself. I never thought anyone could be more attractive than me, but I guess I have a competition after all.

She really was beautiful. With her soft-colored skin, light brown hair, and that oh so beautiful blue eyes of hers. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her.

A camera flash snapped me out of the spell and I helped her to stand. I stood behind her, just in case she suddenly fell or something.

We started to walk, but then she stopped, swayed slightly, and passed out. I caught her as she fell into my arms, luckily. I tried to shake her awake, but it didn't work. 

So I picked her up and carried her out of the bar and hailed a cab. I told the driver where our apartment was and sat in the back seat, with her head on my lap. I stroked her hair gently and wiped off the sweat on her forehead with my palms. I still couldn't get my eyes off her. Seeing her like this, passed out, helpless, made me feel so protective of her. She was like a very fragile glass, and I felt like the mom who needed to hide the glass from the children running around. 

We finally arrived, and I gave the driver some money and I carried her again, bridal style, jogged through the lobby, and went up the elevator. I pressed 33 and waited.

People were staring at us with concerned, worried, sorry, and alarmed looks, but I ignored them. I looked up as the elevator stopped, but it wasn't our floor yet. Some of the people went out, and that only left me with her and an old lady. 

As soon as the elevator door closed, she looked at me and said, "Take care of her, young man. She looks so young and innocent. Don't let anything hurt her. She's a rare one. Hold onto her." she smiled a very kind old lady smile.

"We're not together." was all I managed to say because I was so worried about her.

The elevator dinged, the door opened, and the old lady started to walk out. Just before she got out, she passed me a look over her shoulder and said, "Not yet."  And with that, she disappeared behind the closed doors. 

Okay...... That was kind of creepy...

She suddenly grabbed my shirt and mumbled, "No, don't hit me again!" I was about to tell her that it was okay now, but stopped as I realized her eyelids were still closed. A nightmare then.

The elevator dinged and the number 33 showed up on the screen, and I jogged out as the elevator doors opened. I swiped my key on the door and walked in to our penthouse.

Nash, Jamie, and Ian were all playing Xbox before they all turned to me. 

"Dude, where have you-" Ian stopped as he noticed the girl cradled in my arms.

"Who's that?" he asked with an alarmed look.

"I honestly have no idea." I said as I carried her to my room. I laid her down on my bed gently, and pulled the covers up to her neck. I took a towel from the bathroom and soaked it with warm water. I put the towel on her forehead and a bag of ice on her cheek. Then, I grabbed a chair and sat next to the bed, worried about what will happen to this beautiful girl. I took her hand and placed it in between both of mine.

I examined her hands. She had long, slender fingers, with a silver ring on her fourth finger. She messily colored her nails red, like she was in a hurry. I smiled.

This wasn't a girl who wore heavy make up everyday. This wasn't a girl who tried to impress everyone. This wasn't a girl who wore slutty clothes to get guys to notice them. This wasn't any girl.

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