prologue - Ryan's POV

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~Ryan's POV~

"UGH!!" I screamed as I stormed out of our rehearsal. I was so pissed off by mom. Which, unfortunately, happened to be my manager too. My momager. Ha.

She'd never let us do anything, and i meant anything. 'Us', meaning our band, Hot Chelle Rae. The band got its name from some crazy stalker from MySpace named Chelle Rae and she was hot, so.. You know what I mean.

We were rehearsing for our charity concert next Tuesday here, in LA-my hometown. I'd just arrived a couple of hours ago from Nashville.

We'd been rehearsing for days now, and I sort of got bored. So I kind of suggested that we should go to a club and have some fun.

My momager did not take that well. She freaked out and started lecturing me about how our band should keep rehearsing if we wanted to be the best, about how drunk I got the last time I went to a club, and that going to a club could ruin our reputation and stuff. What's her deal with clubs anyway? I didn't get that drunk, did I?

My brain was in no shape to think forward, and I was so mad at that time, that I thought, Screw mom, the concert, and the band. I'm going to a club.

So I walked a couple of blocks with my shades and hoodie on to find a club. I did not want 50 or so girls screaming in my ears and asking for pictures with them at that moment of anger.


so hey. sorry it's another prologue but hey, it's his side of the story. i had to. btw how'd you think so far? comment please!:D i need feedbacks. thanks for reading, hope you liked it! God bless.

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