"So what is the city like?" I questioned Rick.

"It's small so everyone knows everyone. News spreads fast so don't get in trouble." He smiled at me through the mirror. I smiled back at him.

I still didn't know who Rick was. So I asked him some more questions about himself. His last name Garcia. He has a wife who is pregnant and we will be living in the same apartment complex as him. I smiled to myself.

I'm glad Rick is going to be there. At least I'll have someone that is nice to me there.

We pulled off the highway after about 20 minutes. We entered the city of Pomona. He was right, it is kind of small looking.

 It didn't take long after we entered the city to pull up to a apartment building. He parked his car and took the keys out of the ignition. We got out of the car and started to get our stuff.

Rick helped Roe while I carried my two bags. We got our key for our room and headed for the elevators. Rick lived just below us so he got off before us.

We were on the 5th floor room 543. Good, the room will be easy to remember.

We hustled in and set our stuff down. The room was completely empty. We had a moving truck that was going to be here today with our beds and furniture.

The living room was normal sized that connected to a kitchen that was smaller than the one back in Wyoming. This was a two bedroom apartment.

 Chad and Roe got a room, obviously, and I got the other. Roe of course got the bigger room. Our rooms were down a hallway and on opposite sides of the corridor. At the very end we had a tiny bathroom.

This place was good, but I don't like the idea of being in a small place with Roe and Chad. Roe's beatings I can take but I don't think I can endure Chads.  Chad is a giant mountain of muscle. He has the perfect beach body but he's too much of a dick.

I went back to my room and started to put away my clothes in the tiny closet as I wait for the truck to get here. The truck arrived just as I finished.

They had brought in my bed, my mirror, my nightstand, and my alarm clock. It took about an hour to set all of it up. By the time they finished it was noon. I was hungry from unpacking but I know that Roe probably wont let me eat anything. I walk out in the kitchen and realize we don't have anything to eat anyway.

I walk up to Roe. I know this is probably going to end badly but it's worth a shot and I'm starving. "Roe can I go out and get some groceries?" Roe rolled her eyes and handed me a 20 dollar bill. I slowly take it from her hands. I'm shocked that she actually is going to let me go.

"Don't get lost, wait no, get lost so I don't have to deal with your sorry ass anymore." And regular Roe is back. I slip back on my shoes and go to the door. I get in the elevator and hit ground floor.

The elevator stops and I look up as Rick and another girl my age gets on. I smile at Rick and he smiles back. "Hi Paige, this is Hailey. She is my niece who decided to pay me a visit and critique my wardrobe." Hailey and I giggled together. 

"Rick, you need to get some new clothes. Grandpa would wear those. I only want what's best for you." Hailey says innocently. Rick just rolls his eyes at her comment. The elevator stops and we step off.

"So you're new here? What school you going to?" She asks.

"Promona High School, I guess." She squeals with delight at my news.

"Yes! That's where I go. We are going to be best friends and I can introduce you to my friends." She looked down and saw the fear written all over it. "Don't worry. You'll love them and they will love you. This is going to be great. When are you starting?"

I look at her excited face. Why is she so happy? Why would she want to be friends with me? "Tomorrow." I say and her smile only grows wider.

We reach the store and enter. I only have 20 dollars so I get the minimum. I get a basket and start to shop. Hailey stays with me which I don't mind. It's nice to have a friend already.

 I grab some bread off the shelf and set in the basket. We move on to the next aisle. I grab some apples and peaches. I move the bread and set it on top of the fruits making sure not to smash the bread.

"So, are you excited for tomorrow?" She asks. I continue to look for the deli.

"Not really. I move a lot so what's to get excited about." I answer.

"Well I guess I will have to make you excited then. We are going shopping tonight to get you new clothes, okay?"

 I quickly think of an excuse as to why I cant go. "Sorry Hailey, I would love to but I can't. I need to finish unpacking and everything. Maybe this weekend though?" I say enthusiastically knowing I wont be able to go out.

"Sure." She agrees.

"Well Rick is up there waiting for us." She points to the front of the store. I see Rick waving to us.

"I need to keep shopping so you go ahead. I can find my way back." Her smile falters a little but she plasters a fake one.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow." She walks back to Rick and explains to him what is going on. I get a half gallon of milk and head to the check out. I have just enough to buy everything.

I exit and head back to the apartment. When I get home Roe is on the phone with someone. She keeps yelling at someone.

She sees me and scowls. I take the food to the kitchen and start to put it away. I take an apple and quickly eat it before Roe comes in. I finish it thankfully and toss the core in the trash.

I drink some water out of the faucet with my hands and go back to my room. It's about 4 p.m. so I have some time to relax.

I must've fallen asleep because next thing I know Roe is waking me up for the first day of school. I groan and get out of bed. I go to the bathroom only to be kicked out by Roe. I angrily walk back to my room and look at myself in the mirror.

 I look slightly better but it could just be the lighting. I pick out my outfit for school. A black shirt and some light wash jeans with hole in them. I slip on my black converse and put in my makeup, concealer, lip gloss, and mascara.

I go back to the bathroom and see Roe has left. I brush my teeth and my hair. I let my hair down in long waves.

I go out to the living room to see Roe has left. I roll my eyes and grab my bag for school. I head out the door and get in the elevator.

 I get down to the bottom floor and step out. Right when I step out Hailey steps out of the elevator next to me. I smile and wait for her to get beside me. She is wearing a black jeans and a red flowery shirt. She has on some white slip-ons. She also has her bag that matches mine.

We walk to school together which is just down the block. She tells me her schedule but I cant remember it. We get to school and she shows me to the office. I thank her and tell her I'll meet her for lunch. I get my schedule and a lock for my locker.

I walk down the hall looking at my paper when I run into someone. I mutter an apology. I look up and see a guy. He smiles a bright smile causing me to smile. "It's fine. I'm Dylan." He geld his hand out for me to shake which I gladly take.

"Paige." I say and look back to my paper.

"Can you help me by any chance?" I ask. He nods. "Can you help me find my first class? Economics, I think." I check my paper to make sure.

"Yeah just follow me we have the same first class." He says and turns with me following.

Today seems like it will be a good day. But who knows with my life.

Theodore |Book 1|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें