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'I heard shouting then a growl echoing'

I woke up all sweaty and gasping.

Henry! Selene exclaims. I look at my necklace which is connected with Henry's bracelet. It's pulsing rapidly and heating up. Something happened! Selene starts to pace. 

I saw Valerie waking up with a scared face. I'd comfort her but I just run out.

I felt him in the village. I see Valerie run next to me, "You felt it too?" She asked me. I just nodded and started to bite my lip with worry.

When we got to our village I ran to Marie, an old woman who sell me berries and bread for Nana. "What has happened Marie? Why are there crowds? Has the wolf killed again?" I speed up my voice as I try to breathe normally. I hear thunder in the distance but all I can think about is Henry. 

Calm down, Vanessa. We felt Henry here so he must be back at his workshop.

"Oh, sweetheart! Calm down, child. The men came back from the hunt. They succeeded in killing the wolf but..." She hung off her words. I looked even more concerned if possible. "Adrian Lazar...died. Some are saying he was too close to the wolf." I let out a sigh of relief. I raised my eyebrows, "Oh god, What about Henry? Where is he?" 

She takes my hands and rubs them. "He is in his shop. Doesn't want to talk to people but I'm sure you can talk to him. After all, you two are my favorite customers and my favorite couple as well." She winked and smiled at me while turning away to greet another one of her customers.

I try to breathe well before going to his place. I see Valerie try to speak to him. I stay hidden, hearing their conversations.

"Henry, your father was a brave man.." she said trying to make him feel better.

First Lucie and now his father, Mother must be heartbroken. I knew Mother loved Henry's father, you could see it from how she looked at him. It's how I look at Henry, it's love.

"You know I was close enough to smell it," he started to say taking deep breaths, he only does that to stay calm. I knew he was gonna lash out any moment.

I was debating if I should step in or not.

"And I was afraid, and I hid from it, I didn't do anything... I should've saved him!"
He lashed out as I foretold. He went back to his job.

"Henry...-" Val starts to say but he yells at her, "Just leave! I don't want you to see me like this!"

As she walks out, she looks at me. "You could talk to him better, see you at home." She walks away heading home.

I wait a moment then walk in "Valerie didn't I tell you to leave me alone-" he says but sees me instead of Valerie. His eyes soften but he turned back to his work.

I step forward and touch his back, slowly lifting my hand up and down his spine.

I see him shiver and let a breath out, "Ness please.." he says as he sighs with a soft groan. I ignore him and continue touching him, he drops his equipment and turns to me. I lift my hand to his cheek, and he leans in to hug me.

I hug back tightly, I felt him shake then I felt droplets on my neck.

"Shh...it's okay Henry just cry it out. I'm here for you."

He slowly turns us around and sits down on a small couch he has in here.

He pulls me to him so I'm straddling him. My legs were on either side of his body.
He pulls me close and hugs me, I have my chin on top of his head and his on my chest.
I blush since he's close to my breasts. 

☽ 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚖𝚎 ☾Where stories live. Discover now