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We lived on the edge of the dark forest. Few knew our village by name, but many had heard of the terrible things that happened there...

My mother always told me, "Don't talk to strangers. Go get water and come straight home."

I tried to be a good girl and do what she said.

And I was but Valerie was never a good girl, she always fooled around with Peter.

I walked right in front of my sister while she was looking at The Blood Sacrifice.

We were going to go get water from the fresh lake that mother instructed us to go to.

We get in the water and I crouched and scooped up water when I stand up again I see someone jump on the water making a big splash sound.


Peter the one who jumped says. I look at him and see that he just looks at my sister, just like always she's the perfect one.

I rolled my eyes and got up.

I gave my sister a look, then I walked away with tears in my eyes, so close to falling.

I start to wonder while my walk back home,

'Why does she get all the attention?'

I can't believe I was envious of my sister, she always get the attention of boys. Every boy dropped to her feet as if she was the queen. I'm pretty sure half of the village girls are angry at her for it too.

'She always gets what she wants.'

I know in the future Peter and Valerie will get together, get married and have a family and will grow old together if not well then that's a shocker.

I liked Peter but after a while of him not noticing me I stopped and just gave up on it because he sure looked like he fell for my sister.

But then again, I'm just 7 I shouldn't be thinking of boys at all.

I came home and I saw Mother cooking soup, my sister Lucie making flower crowns, and Father nowhere to be found.

He's probably at work.

I went to Lucie and whispered if we could go to the meadow.

"Vanessa will be going to the meadow, could I take her?" Lucie asks Mother.

Mom nods and smiles at us, I smile back and walked outside.

We walked down the path onward to the meadow that's very popular in town.

"So when will you ever stop whispering?" Lucie asks me as we arrive. I gave her a shrug with a smile then started to pick flowers to make more flower crowns and extra flowers for Mother.

I went a little farther ahead of Lucie till I hear a twig snap from the forest.

I look around and I see nothing.

Must be a bunny, so I ignored it and continued picking flowers. I hear growling and then I see it.

I slowly back away, but unfortunately it knows I'm here.

A huge dark wolf comes from the shadows. I stand frozen in place, I see it move towards me then I hear a voice, "Hmm Vanessa, can you understand me?" I widen my eyes, he's talking but how can wolves talk?

"You do! That means you have the gift!" It says again. I stare at the wolf's dark brown eyes, I've seen those eyes before but where?

I start thinking about my escape, but unfortunately, as if it knows I was thinking of it, it comes closer to me as I tried running to the side.

I scream as I felt his sharp claws scrape on my forearm and a throbbing pain on my side. All I see is blood everywhere. The pain is stinging and it's something I've never felt before.

My vision was foggy, as it says, "See you soon. My job here is done, for now."

It ran off as I hear my sister Lucie yell out for me, I try making noise for her to find me since I couldn't handle the pain and I fell to the ground filled with flowers surrounding me. She comes running while picking me up not caring about my blood on her skin.

"Momma! Papa!" She yells as she runs to our house.

Her yelling causes people around to look, some gasp, and some runoff.

I feel the warmth as we enter the house and I hear my mother rush toward us.

"Quick grab some water and a cloth!" I hear her run around.

"Keep your eyes open sweetie please!"

But all I can do is let the darkness welcome me.


So I'm trying to get my books edited or make sense 😂 is it still bad? I'm trying LMAO😭

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