"Look at you! You're still as gorgeous since the day I last saw you!" she cradled my face in her hands. She had always treated me like a little sister.

"And you have gotten so.....big?" I chuckled, emotions taking over me.

It was only when I heard other people's laughter that I realised that other people were there. The whole of my family, the Stark's and Lord Arnton (along with his men) were stood there, watching the reunion.

"Lady Bethan, it is a pleasure to see you again. It's been too long." Lord Arnton approached, taking my hand and kissing it.

I smiled."It has, Lord Arnton, the last time I was able to see Charlotte was at your wedding."

Although it was down to Charlotte being so far away that it was hard to visit her, Lord Arnton was a bit particular with who he invited in and out of his castle. The letters Charlotte and I sent to each other were not satisfactory for me but he would never allow me to visit; apparently, I would be a distraction from her duties as lady of the house.

The greetings continued between the three houses but I never left Charlotte's side. Every now and again we would be interrupted but I would brush it off. It was only polite to greet your guests, especially if they were special to the bride.

"Lady Thaller," Robb bowed his head as he stood in front of us,"thank you for replying so quickly and attending this wedding. I know that this means a lot to Bethan."

I blushed a little.

"Well, once I received a letter from my best friend's husband to be, I had to write back immediately. It was not I that needed convincing to go, just my husband. But your words were very persuasive. It is good to have finally met you." her husband called her over, wanting her to be more social."I shall be back soon. I promise I'll tell you everything, Bethan."

"Well, you do have a lot of explaining to do." I pointed to her stomach. After she walked away, I looked up at Robb who was already looking down."You wrote to her?"

"I saw that she was one of the few that had not replied to our invitation. When your mother explained your past it did not make any sense. So I took it upon myself to make sure that she came early. My wedding gift to you."

"Robb..." I was speechless."That's the most thoughtful gift I have ever received. But I have not gotten you anything, I feel awful."

"You do not need to. Your happiness shall suffice."

Later on, it was just Charlotte and me. We sat in my room, talking over what had happened over the years. It seemed that she had been just as bored as I was.

"You've gotten lucky, haven't you?" She smirked, laying back on the cushions and rubbing her stomach.

"What do you mean?" I asked, pretending to not know.

"You're smiling just thinking about him!" she laughed, pointing at me."I wasn't expecting him to be so handsome. And the fact that his wedding gift to you was getting one of your oldest friend to travel all the way here."

"He is good to me even though we aren't married yet."

"And he'll be even better once you are."

I quickly changed the topic."Anyway, mind explaining that child growing inside of you?"

"We were just as surprised as you were."

"But I thought you weren't able to have any children?"

Charlotte was a victim of a horrible accident. After she was married, she was going for a ride on her horses when they were ambushed. She was thrown off of the creature but it's hooves plummeted into her torso. The gods must have been looking after her on that day as she didn't die and had no broken bones. By some miracle, she was back to normal after a few weeks. But the Maester had informed them that she could no longer bear a child.

When Winter ArrivesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant