His fingers didn't meet my face.

But it didn't matter. He held me tightly in his embrace and the surge was so great that the whole world sped up. Faster than before, faster than usual. I felt jittery butterflies like that timid fifteen year old girl I once was. But I'm not her. I'm not young. I'm not timid. I am supposed to hate this fool of a man. He never came for me, he never saved me. Yet here I am, giving in to my feelings, to him.

And then, too late, I realised I didn't want him. I wanted what I thought was him. I loved the idea of him.

Of who he used to be.
Before he broke my heart.

We held each other for five moments too long. Too long. I heard a click next to my temple.

I shifted to find that someone was about to pull the trigger on me. I saw a threat, and I wasn't pushed into a corner, I pushed the threat. I kicked her in the gut and she grunted as she stumbled back. I punched the gun out of her hands as she fell.

Then she came for me. But then she was down. Jameson pulled me into his side protectively when he had successfully knocked the girl out of action. Gratefully, I leaned into Jameson's side and relished this moment.

"Sky." Jameson whispered and gingerly touched a strand of my hair, looking much like death.

I flinched away. This man never saved me. He shouldn't deserve this many thoughts. But I couldn't help it. My heart fought for him when my head tried to dismiss the thoughts. I couldn't break free of him.

"Jameson," A Guardian that I didn't recognise approached us and I tensed slightly, my eyes noticing immediately that he was a stranger. And I was right to tense. The guy lifted up a gun as soon as he saw me. Jameson pushed me behind him protectively.

"What are you do–" Jameson broke off the stupidity of the Guardian.

"She's a Special One! Her name is Sky Forest and I do not know why she is here but we can only assume.." Jameson trailed off and I felt him tense as I stood behind him, palms pressed up against his back as I peaked around his strong frame. The Guardian looked at me. Sheepishly, he lowered his gun.

"I–" I came out from behind Jameson and the Guardian looked at me, appearing to be searching for something. "I didn't even recognise her." He continued, maybe talking to himself.

He pushed the gun into his pocket and I flinched slightly.

"Sorry," He apologised then took a backpack off his back. He pulled out a bottle of water and I eyed it, my throat burning, aching for just a drop of a remedy. He held it out for me. I frowned at it. How long had it been since I had water? Not as long since I last washed; they'd give water to prisoners every week or so to make sure they didn't die. I took it from his hand and only held it, I was uncertain what to do next. I hadn't been told I was allowed to drink.

Jameson put an arm around me and placed his palm against my back. He said a few parting words to the other Guardian before steering me away from the last breaths of the battle. We soon approached a van and I stopped in my tracks. My breath caught in my lungs and I choked.

"Hey," Jameson murmured in a soft voice, coming to a stop in front of me. He reached for my hands and held them tightly in his, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

"It's okay," He must've seen the panic in my eyes, he still knows me all too well, he never forgot. But in reality, he did forget about me. He never came to save me from the strong grip of evil.

"Nothing's going to happen to you, I'll be right by your side the whole time." He assured and I exhaled, fear trickling out of my breath as it ghosted in the cold, February nights air. I pulled my frail cardigan tighter around my cold body. I nodded, happy to get out of the cold.

The van wasn't much of a van, well it was, with seats. Jameson and I sat at the very front, him in the drivers seat and me in the passengers. In reminded me all too much of the day Jameson came to retrieve me from my hometown. It seemed like years ago now, but I relished in the relaxation it brought to me.

If I only I could go back to that day.

But it's far, far too late for that now.

There's no coming back from this.

You reap what you sow.


I like sowing and reaping and then sowing again and reaping again

Who likes sewing ha ha

Or suing

I mean you must be horrible to like that

But okay

So like is Sky okay

I'm calling childline helpline but idk is she still a child irdk

Okay maybe I'll call like hotline bling

Love drake

-the brake

Next update: Monday-funday



Although our journey did finish abruptly, you will be happy to know that you will be fully refunded

With another chapter in the present time

Of which follows on from this exact point

So that we can uncover the mystery of what the hell happened to Sky Forest.

Any questions?

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