Chapter One-Hundred

Start from the beginning

All I had to do was overthrow his Force for a few seconds. I thought, if I can get completely loose of his powers for a few moments then his Force will wash away from me completely. If I can fend off his mental powers for a few seconds, then I will be freed. I just need the strength to do it. 

I let my eyelids slowly slide shut. The sounds of weaponry all around me faded into a soft background noise and I focused on my breathing. I tuned into my thoughts and only my thoughts. 

I could suddenly feel it. The Force. I could feel it wrapping around my legs. I could actually feel an essence of the tight, intangible restraints that held me in one place. I held onto that focal point for several seconds. The Force was wrapped around both of my thighs, knees, calves, and feet in two thick cylindrical tubes. 

I lifted one leg carefully upwards, still focused on The Force surrounding it, and stepped outside of the Force boundary. I then pointed my other foot downwards and did the same for the other leg. My eyes were still closed, and I could still sense the two stalks of his Force behind me. 

I opened my eyes. I tentatively took a few steps forward and found that nothing was holding me back. I had escaped his Force. 

Excitement filled me. I had done it! I could fight! I clenched my fist in success, put on a brave face, and turned my attention to the battle lying ahead. I quickly paced to the doors of the arena and found that they didn't open automatically as they had before. 

That's weird, I thought confusedly. The doors always opened automatically. I then put my fingers in the crack between both doors and attempted to pry the doors open, but they wouldn't open. 

I rolled my eyes as I realized what had happened. Kylo Ren had locked the doors. 

If I can escape his Force, then I can escape a simple door lock

I looked at the walls on either sides of the door and found the keypad to my left. I didn't even step near the keypad -- I merely extended my fingers and shot electricity at the small silver box. 

Bzz. In a millisecond, the keypad was broken and sending sparks flying onto the floor. The doors to the hallway slid open two feet, and that was enough for me to shimmy through. 

The corridor was void of everything except for the sounds of war. 

I knew what I had to do in order to fight and not be kidnapped, and I knew where I had to go. 

I was going to have to run directly through the battle in order to get what I needed so I could participate in it. 

I sprinted to the hangar where I had been a squadron leader and trained the stormtroopers. Before entering the hangar, I peered through the windows in the doors. 

My fears were confirmed. The battle was occurring in this hangar, and probably all of the others. Stormtroopers were lined and packing one half of the room, while the half closest to space was filled with people dressed in foreign uniform and a few outdated looking ships. Soldiers on either side were cluttering all areas of the room, participating in fistfights, gunfights, and basically the most intense and trained battling I'd ever seen. When I peered into the stars surrounding the base all I saw were ships zooming back and forth, firing at one another. Gunfire was everywhere. Bodies littered the floor. 

This was war. 

Nevertheless, I still opened the door and slipped inside. I had to rely on stealth. I couldn't just burst through the doors and tumble down the stairs, although I did hustle down the metal stairs pretty quickly. 

I turned the corner of the staircase once I reached the floor and sprinted as fast as I could into the hallway by the front desk. Where a secretary once sat behind the desk now held stormtroopers keeping low to the desk's surface and firing at the enemy. 

Kidnapped by Kylo Ren (Star Wars)Where stories live. Discover now