11. That Ain't Your Baby No More

Start from the beginning

"Harry?" a kind voice called out.

Louis turned around to see a red-haired man walking towards them. The man was clean cut shaved and dressed professionally. Louis scratched his growing scruff, feeling self-conscious in his comfortable Adidas gear. Compared to Mr. Ginger, Louis was dirty and scruffy in appearance.

Harry flushed happily from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet, stuttering out an informal introduction.

"Oh, it's Ed, Bella's doctor. Ed—Dr. Ed...Dr. Sheeran."

"Ed? You call him Ed?" Louis teased with lifted eyebrows.

Harry never got nervous around other men. He was confident and shameless, and if anything, other men would stumble on their own feet trying to get to him. At this point, Louis knew Harry was beautiful. Harry was kind and sweet and he usually never lost his smooth demeanor over someone like Ed who dulled in comparison.

Something bright and red akin to jealousy curled inside his lower stomach, Louis feeling hot all over. Louis bit the inside of his lower lip,  mentally cursing himself to get under control.


Ed introduced himself, reaching out a hand. Louis looked at Ed's outstretched hand for a moment.

"Hey, I'm Tommo. S'nice to meet you."

Louis offered his own hand for Ed to shake. He was nothing but a polite gentleman, thank you very much.

"Is this your, uh—?"

Ed pointed between them, his eyes flicking from Harry's to Louis' then back to Harry's again.

"No! No, no, no, no. We're not...um. We just—Um..." Harry struggled to explain.

"Sounds complicated," Ed laughed.

"We raise Bella together," Louis explained, coming to Harry's rescue. He patted Harry's cheek fondly. "You know, Harry has always mentioned how much he really likes Bella's doctor. A few times actually. I just thought you were really good with kids, but now I know—"

"Tommo? Can you just walk away?" Harry interrupted, his lips pressed in a tight smile.

Louis shoved his hands deep into his pockets, shrugging mindlessly.

"I'm alright here."

"Can you give me a minute? Can you just give me a minute?"

Louis raised his hands defensively, walking backwards and pulling away the shopping cart with Isabella still inside. He looked over his shoulder and blinked wide baby blue eyes at Harry.

"Thank you." Harry shot Louis a tiny smile and turned to Ed, his smile morphing into a shy one. "Sometimes Bella's more of a grown-up."

"So how does this work between you two? You split up most of the work?"

"Yes, we have a chart. A very big chart," Harry said with an easy grin.

"Chart? That chart give you any time off?" Ed asked, his eyes warm and his smile kind.

Harry had forgotten how gorgeous Ed was.

"Yes. Monday, Wednesday and every other Friday."

"Friday? Do you have Bella this Friday?"

"No." Harry relished in the answer happily like Christmas had come early.

"Eight o'clock Friday? I think my office has your information."

"They sure do."

"I'll call you out."

"Thank you."

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