Class was boring as usual. I spent most of my time planning my training schedule and visualizing the combinations that would impress my coach/father.

"Ms. Dunst, can you tell me the answer to the question on the board?"

I looked up, quickly reading over the question. "One divided by the square root of seven is the same as the square root of seven divided by seven."

"Good mental math but next time be paying attention," the teacher scolded. I slid back in my chair, slightly embarrassed after being called out. Casen was sitting beside me, trying to control his laughter. I glared at him, which only caused him to laugh harder.

"Mr. Thorn, do you have something you would like to share with the class?"

"No, Ms. Johnston. Just keep putting Lydia on the spot like that. She loves that," he joked.

Ms. Johnston took it seriously. "Well, all right. In that case, Lydia, would you answer the next one for me?"

I mentally groaned and reminded myself to later punch Casen where the sun don't shine. I did the question with ease, impressing the teacher for a second time. Keeping my grades up was part of the deal. As long as I had good grade, I was allowed to box. Little did my dad know that I didn't have to put much effort in to do well.

The bell rang, and I quickly followed Casen out of the classroom, jumping on his back. "Casen! I could kill you!"

"You wouldn't do that. You love me too much." He smirked happily. Why did he have to be right?

"No, I hate you."

"And I hate you too." Casen laughed, putting emphasis on 'hate' as if it was code for love. "So, I hear you're going to the mall after school. Mind if I tag along?"

"You like shopping?"

"Uh, yes."

I gave him a look. He was crazy.

"I don't even like shopping. You're a guy. You're supposed to hate shopping more than I do. No fair." I pouted, making my bottom lip quiver. "And I thought we were perfect for each other."

"Aw, baby, you know we still are." He went with my teasing and made a kissy face. I just put my hand to his lips, earning a look of disgust. "Blah, you taste like my mother's cooking."

"And how do you know what her cooking tastes like? You spend all of your time at my house." I stuck out my tongue, bumping his shoulder with mine.

"Very funny."

His cousin Jamie crossed the hall, greeting me with our handshake and fist bumping with Casen. He was also into boxing but more on the for fun, recreational level. When we were young, I showed him a few matches, and it was love at first sight. But he didn't really want to work at it or spend the money on lessons.

"Weigh in on our debate. She says guys aren't supposed to like shopping, but I like shopping, so is she insinuating I'm not a guy?" Could Casen ever be normal? I groaned and spun around in frustration.

"Well, you're definitely a guy but you're not very manly," Jamie teased. I mentally thanked him for being on my side. "I don't like shopping. It's boring."

"Says the guy who has never had a girlfriend and is probably still a virgin," Casen said. Jamie leaned over me and pushed Casen's shoulder. "Hey, I was just stating the facts. Don't shoot the messenger -- factenger? Never mind." Jamie just shook his head and left for his next class. "I don't think he likes me very much."

"That's probably because you make fun of him all the time." I rolled my eyes.

"I wasn't making fun of him, I was poking fun. There's a difference," Casen said with a serious expression on his face. I just smirked at him. "What?"

"If you don't already know, I'm not saying." Waving goodbye, I began to walk away.


"Go to class, Casen."


Sitting in the mall food court, Casen was chowing down on a burger and Janie and I had our iced coffees. I was still getting used to the taste. For a long time coffee tasted horrible, but every now and then I needed a pick-me-up.

"Hey, can I ask you guys a weird question?" Casen asked. Whenever he said something like that, I grimaced in fear. Janie nodded, not knowing what was coming next. "Do you think I'm attractive?"

I groaned. Janie furrowed her eyebrows at him.

"What?" Janie questioned. We were both wondering where that came from. It was so out of the blue. Neither of us knew what to say.

"Oh, come on. How do you think women see me?" He was fishing for something... I just couldn't tell what. "Like, I think I'm pretty good looking, but here I am, sitting with two beautiful women who aren't my girlfriends and seemingly don't have any feelings for me whatsoever. So tell me, what's the deal? What do I have to do?"

I rolled my eyes. "First off, don't give yourself compliments. That's a turn off. Girls are into humble guys."

"Yeah, and oh, don't talk with your mouth full." Janie laughed.

"You two are no help." Casen sat back in his chair and finished the last bite of his burger, chewing loudly on purpose.

"You're welcome." I shook my head. He was full of it. I got up and threw my drink in the garbage, shivering from the caffeine rush.

"Where are we going now?" Casen asked, getting up. He swung his arm around my shoulder.

"Sport Chic?" I suggested, but neither of them looked thrilled with that idea.

"I don't know how you find the sports store fun." Janie whined. I glared at her. "But okay, fine, let's go." She held her hands up in surrender.

I skipped off, ready to browse the boxing gear. "Thank you."

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