Bey was actually shocked. She had honestly misjudged Kim. She really thought the woman didn't work, or was one of those work from home women. To hear that she was a wedding planner changed her entire outlook. Bey was interested in knowing more. She watched as Kim pulled out her business card, and handed it to her before the two said their goodbyes.

Bey continued her shopping trip before heading back home. She went ahead and stocked the kitchen up before leaving the house to go get Solange from the airport. Luckily, Bey arrived just as Solange was landing, so she didn't have to wait long. She didn't really like waiting in airports.

"Sis!" Solange practically screamed, drawing attention to the two of them. Bey could only laugh at her sister before they hugged. Solange was carrying a leopard print weekend bag.

"You're so loud," Bey commented.

"Y'all just quiet."

Bey shook her head at her. "How was your flight?"

"Well, the woman next to was pleasantly quiet. She didn't utter a black ass word, and I loved it."

"So you had a quiet flight?"

"Yep. Had my blanket, pillow, and music. Had to pray a bit, though."

Bey put her bag into the backseat before going to the driver's side. Solange got into the passenger's seat.

"Girl, I've watched too many movies. The one about 9/11 and that movie Flight with Denzel's fine ass? I just knew my unlucky ass wasn't making it here."

Bey looked at her for a moment before she shook her head. She couldn't say anything about her sister. The girl made sure that she had a good time and a good laugh with everything. Bey ended up taking her for a drive around the city, while Solange asked a thousand and one questions. Bey even took her to one of the fashion schools just so that she could see it. She showed her where she worked, her favorite place to eat, where her mother used to live, and finally where she stayed.

"Wow," Solange whispered as she walked around Bey's home. It was a two bedroom, two bathroom home. Luckily, Bey managed to pay all of her bills, regardless of the summer vacation. Tina and Mathew had offered to help pay for her bills during summer, but Beyoncé wasn't having it. She had never been dependent on anyone, and she wasn't going to start now. She actually had other means of getting money buy tutoring the summer for those that decided to take the ACT and SAT.


"Wow. For a twenty eight year old, this is great!"

Bey laughed before removing her shoes and sitting them near the door.

"I gotta take my shoes off?" Solange asked once she saw her sister remove hers.

Bey simply shook her head. She wasn't one of those people that did that. "Hungry?"

"Starving. Why we didn't eat at that place?"

"Because you wouldn't have liked it."

"How you know?"

Bey smirked. "Because I listen to you when you talk. The kitchen is stocked with things you like. Help yourself."

"Really? Zingers?"




"Pizza rolls?"

"The combination kind."

Solange wiped fake tears. "Jesus done blessed me with a sister that buys me food."

Bey laughed a bit before waving her off.

"Are there any rules?"

"Clean up after yourself and no snooping. I don't like people in my business."

"Girl, me either. Can we eat and watch movies."

"You came all the way here to watch movies?"

Solange blinked. "You said that like I was the boring one. You don't club, I thought that was what you did. Stay home and shit."

Bey shook her head. "Would you like to go out, Solange?"

"Girl yessss!"

"Do I have to watch you?" Bey meant with alcohol intake. She rarely did drink, unless it was wine. Going to clubs weren't new to her, but she felt as though she'd grown out of the stage. But, Bey was willing to make sure that Solange had a great time.

"Maybe. I don't know, yet. I'll see," Solange giggled before finding the bathroom and going inside, closing the door.

Beyoncé simply shook her head before retreating to her own bedroom to begin getting dressed. She decided on a simple silverish short dress. She curled her hair and immediately went to do her make up. She could hear Solange's singing as she got dressed, remembering how Solange always did that. Sometimes Bey wondered if she even realized that she sang when she got dressed.

The two sisters were finally dressed and out the door. Bey took her to a club that she knew was more live than the other clubs. It was the club that everyone went to. Bey's position was mainly the the bar stool that she found accommodating. Solange was dancing with any and everybody. She never danced without a drink in her hand, though.

When Bey had enough of watching men grope her drunk sister, she went to go get her. "Solange! Let's go, it's getting late."

"Nooo, we jusss got heaaa!"

"We've been here almost three hours," Bey clarified, knowing it wasn't going to help.

"Nu uhnnn, you juss wan go cuh SSShawn hea wif that girl."

Bey released Solange's arm that she had been pulling on. She looked at her sister with a dumb founded look. She hadn't seen Shawn the entire time, knowing that her sister's drunk ass was probably just saying shit.

"You're right, let's go," Bey simply said before taking Solange out with more force. As she was taking her sister through the crowd, she happened to see Christina. Bey's eyes watched as the man groped her body as the girl gyrated on him. It didn't take long for Bey's eyes to connect with Shawn's. The two shared a look before Bey decided she really needed to leave.

"Bey..." Solange mumbled as Bey went to put her in the car.

"What Solange?"

"Whoop ha ass."

Bey knew it was wrong to laugh at Solange in her drunken state, but she couldn't help it. Her sister was a mess.

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