74. Family Ties & Weddings (Part 5)

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Francesco then opened his eyes as he heard O'Neil's voice from behind him calling out "Francesco, here you are. I have been looking for you..."

Francesco kept looking at the fountain as he spoke with a firm voice " Where have you been? You have kept me waiting on my wedding day. What kind of best man are you? Maybe I should demote you."

O'Neil reached Francesco and laughed as he wrapped his arm around Francesco's shoulder " Oh, if you demote me I would wrestle you into this fountain right here. Come on. Who will you replace me with if you demote me from my position as your best man? Will you replace me with that indecisive, stubborn, love sick brother of yours? Really? Him? Or will you pick your traitorous cousin who is not leaving his dear father's side acting as his bodyguard. Is that his new job? Guarding his father? Lets face it, your family is messed up. I am all you have when you want someone to rely on with your ring that you want to put on Adele's finger."

Francesco sighed and mirrored his friends action putting his hand on his shoulder " I know that..." He then walked away from him to the fountain. Francesco sat down at the edge of the pool facing O'Neil. He took out a velvet box from his pocket and offered it to O'Neil " Don't lose it."

O'Neil walked to Francesco and sat down next to him as he took the box " I will guard it with my life." He then opened the box and nodded " Wow. This is a nice ring. You have good taste in rings just like your good taste in women. You just choose a woman who is one of a kind and this ring is one of a kind too. I have never seen a ring like this before." He then closed the box and put it in his pocket.

Francesco spoke " Is everything in order? I have checked the security that the Don and my uncle Pietro have put in place. It all seems perfect. Did you find any weaknesses anywhere?"

O'Neil shook his head " No. I haven't found any weaknesses. Your grandpa has military men working for him. No one will get past the layers of security he has put in place. So you can enjoy your day and you will not need to be worrying for any security issues. You will enjoy your day. Right? Promise me you will."

Francesco looked at O'Neil " What do you think? Of course I will enjoy today. Nothing will ruin today for me."

O'Neil spoke carefully " Really? Are you sure about that? How are you holding up? You can tell me the truth. You are marrying Adele today but I know you have so much on your mind. Tell me what is on your mind right now?"

Francesco sighed " Read my mind."

O'Neil spoke " Alright. If you insist. But you can't object if the truth hurts. I don't sugar coat my words often. You know me.... I say .... you are feeling .... betrayed right now...."

Francesco raised an eyebrow as he spoke in a sarcastic tone " Really? I am shocked to hear you think that..." He then laughed to himself " Go on."

O'Neil spoke with a sad smile " Let me think.... Your brother is a failure in his love life and your cousin is a traitor. Your brother doesn't know what's good for him but you do. Costanzo wants to forgive and forget but in the process he forgets too much and you know his peaceful ways don't necessarily end well for him. He is losing his woman and it's all down to him.... He is just occupied with himself that he has missed the point about why you showed up here in the first place. The plan was to get your mother out of here safely. Then the plan was to show your old man and your uncle a taste of justice. But Costanzo doesn't get it. He actually doesn't mind your mother getting back with your father but you do.... And that hurts you.... Right?"

Francesco nodded " What else is on my mind?"

O'Neil spoke " Antonio of course is another issue. Your dear cousin doesn't know where his loyalties lie. He is picking a losing side and he doesn't know it but you do.... You can't rely on your brother and cousin right now even though they manage sixty percent of your business together. You are questioning the future ..... How will you manage it?"

A Mob Boss's Family (Book 2 Of The New York Mafia Trilogy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن