"Brooklyn has always been amazing at cooking. Her father taught her." My mom started a conversation.

I bit my lip as she said 'her father'. It's like it's not her husband.

"I can tell." Sammy smiled.

I looked down at my food and didn't feel like eating anymore.

Sammy said his good nights and goodbyes.

"Goodnight babe." He kissed me and then walked to his car.

"I like him." My mom smiled.

Sunday morning

I woke up and decided I would go surprise Sammy in the morning. I drove to his house and opened the door. I told Tyler to unlock it for me. I walked upstairs and opened Sammy's door. I see Stassie next to him naked. I run to Tyler's room.

"Did you do that on purpose?" I whisper yelled.

"Do what?" He asked rubbing his eyes.

"Unlock the door for me even though you knew stass was over??" I huffed.

"Anastasia is here?" He quickly asked.

I ran out of the house and back to my car. I drove home and ran upstairs to my room crying.

"I knew it. "I kicked the wall.

I called spence but then remember she was mad at me so I quickly hung up. I called Kacie instead.

"Hello?" She answered.

"He slept with Anastasia." I cried into the phone.

"Aw sweetie. " she shushed spence in the background.

"Spence should be here for me right now. I messed up. " I cried harder.

"I'll talk to spence. " she hung up.

Kacie's pov

"I told you so!" Spencer shouted.

"Spence stop acting like this! She's your friend and she needs you right now. She's hurt. Sam hurt her like he hurt you. Don't let her be alone like you were. " I shook my head.

"You're right." She made a weird noise.

She kept hitting her head on the table and pulling her head back up.

"I have to go over there." She ran out of my house and I saw her get into her car from my window.

Spencer Pov

I drove over to Brooke's house. I let myself in and ran upstairs to her room.

"Brooke I am so sorry." I ran over to her.

I hugged her and she cried into my shoulder.

"I'm sorry I didn't listen to you. I just like him so much." She cried harder.

"Look, Sammy hurt me once too. He says that he'll break up with the girl but he doesn't. And then you catch him still with her. I know it hurts. But I'm here for you. " I rubbed her back.

"I hate him. I don't hate him for sleeping with her again. I hate him for making me like him. I hate him for making me want to have had sex with him. I hate him for making me not hate him at all. " she held onto me tighter.

"Do you want me to send Kacie to fight her? Because she will. " I looked into her glossy eyes.

They were full of hurt, anger and love. She nodded her head and laughed slightly.

"I'll be on it as soon as possible." I smiled at her.

"Thank you so much spence." She wiped her face.

"Always Brooke." I hugged her once again.

Sammy's POV

Anastasia went home and I called Brooke. No answer. I texted her.

S- hey babe, I miss you

She didn't reply.

I groan and go to tylers room. He looks up at me and smirks.

"Why are you doing your obnoxious smirk?" I rolled my eyes.

"Brooke passed by this morning. " his smirk grew.

"So?" I asked.

"She seemed pretty upset with you. Considering Stass was in your bed. Naked. I guess you'll finally understand what it feels like to get dumped brother. " he chuckled.

I went back to my room and got a text from Brooke.

B- we're over. Don't talk to me, don't look at me and don't touch me in school. I wish I had the chance to cheat on you so you could understand. But instead i did you a favor. Now you know what it feels like to get dumped.

I groaned and threw my phone across the room. What have I done?

School's Fuckboy {s.w.}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora