Oneshot 7: Prom

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Marco tapped his left foot on the ground. "What's taking so long?" He asked his mother who was standing by smiling. "Girls take time honey, just wait." She said.

Moments later Star came down the stairs. "Hey Marco!" She said excitedly. Marco was wonder struck. "H-hey Star." He stuttered. "Do you think Oskar will like it?" Star asked. "Totally." Marco said.

Marco drove to the prom with Star. "I'm so excited!" Star said. "Me too!" Marco said. The two parted ways to find their dates. Star found Oskar and said hello. He didn't seem to care about how Star looked. He seemed more interested in a girl across the dance floor. "I'll just go get some food." Star said. She walked to a table that had cookies and goodies. She wished Marco was with her.

Marco couldn't seem to find Jackie, he looked and looked, and when he found her he wasn't happy. She was making out with some other guy. Marco walked away, he drove home.

Star grabbed some food and walked back to where Oskar was, but he was dancing with another girl. She dropped her food and ran out of the doors, then she ran to the Diaz house. She walked in, slammed the door, and ran upstairs. Marco heard her close her bedroom door. He wondered why she was back so early. He decided to check it out.

Star heard a knock at the door, followed by the creak of someone opening it. She looked up from the pillow she was sobbing in. "Star?" Marco asked. "Not now Marco." She said slamming her face back in the pillow. Marco walked closer to the bed, and he sat down at the edge. "Star, what happened?" Marco asked.

"I don't want to talk about it Marco." She said, her voice muffled by the pillow. "...Star, I'm sorry..." Marco said looking down. "Why?" She asked. "Because I should've been there for you." Marco said quietly. Star sat up next to Marco. Silence filled the room.

Star put her head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry too." She said. "For what?" Marco asked. "Because something bad obviously happened to you too." She said. The room fell silent again. It was just them in the silence, they were alone.

Marco put his arms around Star, and put his head on her shoulder. It was like a side hug, only with more meaning. She turned and put her head in his chest, she cried for a while, and Marco patted her back. Marco pulled back.

"Come here." Marco said as he grabbed Star's hand and lead her to the center of the room, he walked away and came back with a stereo, he put on some slow music and he walked back over to Star. "Can I have a dance?" Marco asked Star, his cheeks were red, and he looked nervous, until she accepted.

It was like a ball dance, he twirled her, and dipped her, then he brought her up to where her nose almost touched his. Marco leaned in and kissed Star. She was very flustered, but she kissed back. The kiss was soft, and it lasted for about 10 seconds. It was short and sweet. "M-Marco..." "I love you Star Butterfly, you aren't a prom queen, but your my queen." Marco said. Star giggled and her hearts lit up in a blush. "I love you too." She said smiling.

Yeah, I'm sorry... XD this was so cheesy!

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