Oneshot 3: A Helping Hand

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Star was sitting on the couch with her best friend Marco. Marco had a broken ankle, and needed Star to help him get around. Unfortunately the Diaz parents were out on a vacation, and they were stuck, so Marco couldn't get any medical attention. Although quite frustrating at times, Star always wanted to help Marco when he needed her, or even if she needed him, he would be there. "So how did you say this happened again?" Mrs. Diaz asked over the phone. "Marco was doing his karate boy stuff, and he kicked something the wrong way, at least that's what he told me." Star summed up. Marco was asleep on the couch, every now and then he would groan in pain from the ankle. "We can't be there at the moment Star, were gonna get there as soon as possible." Mrs. Diaz said. "Okay byeeee!" Star said into the phone. "Marco, wake uuup." Marco sat up, blinking from the light. "Ugh, it hurts!" Marco said in pain. "Don't worry Marco, your parents are on their way." Star said encouragingly.

"When will that be?" Marco asked. "Anytime between now and two days." Star said. "Uuuuggghhhh" Marco groaned. "Don't worry Marco, you have me, maybe I can help, tell me what you need." Star said with a smile. "Water." Marco said. "Okay Mr. Grumps, I'll be back in a bit!" Star said. Marco lied on the couch staring at the ceiling.

"Okay, here is your water!" Star said, breaking the silence. "Oh, thanks." Marco said, grabbing the water and shooting a smile at Star, which she returned.

A couple hours later Marco said the scariest words ever. "Star, I have to use the bathroom." Star blusshed like mad, she tried to hide it, but it was hard. "Okay. Umm..." Star helped Marco up, and she walked him to the bathroom. "Okay, I'll open the door, do you think you can manage the rest?" Star huffed, helping Marco around was exhausting. "Yeah, thanks Star, just wait here." Marco said.

Moments later Marco was done and he stumbled out of the bathroom. Star helped him steady himself. "Thanks Star" Marco said. "No problem, I'll just take you to your bedroom, then you can go to bed." Star said. "Alright." Marco said, wincing from pain that throbbed in his foot. Star helped Marco sit on his bed. Marco's phone started to ring. "Hello?" Star answered it. "Star, tell Marco we will be there sometime in the middle of the night, goodbye." Mrs. Diaz said through the phone.

"Marco, your parents will be here at midnight." Star said. "Good. Thanks for all the help Star, and this hurts really bad, but you helping me out makes me feel way better." Marco said, making Star blush. "Awww thanks Marco." Star said. "Come here Star." Marco said, gesturing for Star. Star came over, and Marco wrapped his arms around her. Star returned the hug. Marco then kissed Star. It was short, and soft. Star was shocked at first, but she was okay with it. They pulled apart. "S-Star, I'm so sorry, I just-" Marco was cut off. "For what? I enjoyed that, plus you kiss way better than Tom." Star said laughing. Marco was blushing like mad.

"Well you should get some sleep now." Star said. Right as she was about to leave Marco said something. "Star, uhh... can you stay here, like in case I need your help." Marco asked shyly. "Heh, sure, always here with a helping hand." Star said with a smile.

Omfg so cute, I like this one, plz give me feed back.

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