Oneshot 4: Ice Cream and Other Girls?

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Star was hopping up and down
excitedly. Marco was buying himself and Star some ice cream. "Here you go." Marco said as he handed Star her ice cream. "Thank you!!" Star squeeled. The two teens left the store.

"Hey, what's going on between you and Jackie?" Star asked, licking her Ice cream cone. "Oh, Jackie. Why do you ask?" Marco asked. "Oh, y'know, just seeing what my best friend is up to." Star said nervously. "Right, well Jackie is with Blake, so things aren't looking to well for me."

"Aww, I'm sorry Marco." Star said. Although she was sad for Marco, she was happy for some odd reason. "It's ok, I'm Marco Diaz, I can get over a heart break." Marco said. His voice faltered, and he looked sad. "Marco, are you okay?" Star asked. Marco shook himself back to reality. "Yeah, totally." Marco said.

Star went in front of Marco, causing him to stop walking. "Marco, I don't want to seem rude, but you've been trying to get Jackie to like you for years. If she didn't know how great you were then, than she never will." Star said.

Star's expression softened. "Now let's go sit down for a while." She said softly. What she said was harsh, but it was meaningful. They sat in the grass, watching the clouds go bye. They didn't talk, they stayed quiet.

Marco was thinking to himself. He thought about what Star said. 'Maybe I do need to move on.' Marco looked at Star, she was casually eating her ice cream. 'There are other girls.' He thought, smiling to himself, still staring at Star. "Hey Marco I'm don't with my ice cream." Star said.

"Right, okay I'll take care of that for you." Marco said taking Star's napkin. "Marco, you haven't eaten yours!" Star said, pointing to Marco's melting ice cream. "Oh, I guess I forgot, I was thinking." Marco said. Star laughed. "Also thanks, there are other girls." Marco said, throwing away their trash.

"Really? So Jackie isn't the only one?" Star asked. "Nope." Marco said, putting his hand in Star's. "Who is this girl?" Star asked smirking. "You know her very well." Marco said. The two of them walked home, before they went in Marco placed a tender kiss on Star's lips. "I'm sorry I didn't know you were here the whole time, waiting for me to open my stupid eyes." Marco said. "I'm sorry you didn't know there were other living girls." Star said while laughing. "But I forgive you, after all, who could say no to someone who kisses that good?" Star chuckled.

But secretly the ultimate Starco shipper was watching in the shadows with a pleased look on her face. . . Her name is Mrs. Diaz, or mom.

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