Chapter 16

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Zander's pov

As I was carrying her all of a sudden she is doing things I didn't like so I started to growl at her and I started to want to have sex because it's just in my nature and especially if it's my mate to doing it or you could say it's my mate because she's the only one around me right now because we are going to a cave or we can have some peace and quiet all alone and no one will be there to stop us if we do have sex.

So we finally got to the cave so I started circling around her but she was so lost in thought and I couldn't read her thoughts on the way to the cave so I had to do it even though I wanted to hear her thoughts I still couldn't.

Her thoughts are my matter right now soon so I can't read them. But the thing is she's so in to her thoughts that she doesn't now that I have shifted back into my human form so that means she doesn't now that I'm naked then again me and her both have cloths here in this cave that we put here a long time ago but the good thing is that they may be small now but when I put them on they will grow to my size that I am now.

I don't know about you but it kind of looks like she's a sleep and if she was I would have taken off my cloths again and change into wolf form because I'm going to have to be in wolf form when she has to shift into her wolf form for the first time anyways so I might as well change back again right now since she isn't paying attention to me.

I changed back but she still isn't paying attention to me so the next thing to do is to jump on her that will hopefully work with trying to get her to pay attention to what I want to start to do but right know I have to jump on her so hopefully pulls to her senses.

So when I get ready to jump she all of a sudden jumps on me so then I'm the one that is frozen in shock instead of her being frozen then she all of a sudden changes into her wolf so laying there in my wolf form and I'm still frozen in shock not just because of the jump that also because she shifted without me helping her.

She starts to growl at me because her wolf doesn't know my wolf in wolf form she does but her wolf doesn't all because it's been four years since we last saw each other.

But I can't believe she shifted without my help and I wonder if our parents know that she's shifted and if they do I wonder if they helped her shift because I couldn't therefore her to help her shift because of course I was sent away for four years.

I couldn't help her with anything because of our parents but now that I'm back to being out for won't stop me from being with her because I've already done all my alpha training when I was younger before I went away so now I know that all I have to do after training I have to be with my mate whenever she needs me of course because when she needs me I'll be there for her there's nothing that will stop me this time not even our parents will stop me.

And if they don't agree then oh well I don't care I've been away from my mate for four years because it's not going to stop me now.

So I shift back so her wolf knows me and then after I shift back I'll change back into my wolf form again because by then she'll know it's me and then that will be my wolf form.

Ally's pov short

When Zander shifts back I tell my wolf that it's just him so then she recognizes him that right after that he changes back into his form so that's when my wolf really recognizes him as her mate so that's the good thing because now she knows what his wolf looks like and what he looks like so I'm grateful for that especially since he did that no my wolf doesn't want to rip his head off.

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