Chapter 17

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Sorry that it sounded like I was going to have a scene but I'm not like that so they are going to do it but I'm not going to write that part because I'm not like that yet so it's not in the book so I'm going to start this chapter off with after they do it.

Ally's pov

My wolf is about to go crazy from just taking a little look at our mate but I guess that's just how it goes sometimes when you see each other after a long time of not seeing one another for a few years.

I'm not even surprised that my brothers my mate I have kind of just guessed it since I was a baby. Baby me still new a lot even though I was a baby it still helped in the long run.

When I was a kid I couldn't help but think about who my mate was going to be when I was older. I've always had this feeling that my brother was going to be my mate especially since he moved way until I was of age.

It was like at least I don't have to find someone but then it was also like why would the moon goddess do this to me he's my brother for god's sake.

I don't see why it's always me that has such bad luck and I just hate it so much. It gets on my nerves but what can I say oh right I can say this and it's I HAVE SUCH BAD LUCK. It happens a lot and pretty much wherever I go.

But back to the story MY WOLF IS GOING CRAZY and she's slowly starting to drive crazy as well. I don't what to look like I'm giving insane. I don't wanna go to a mental asylum. I literally feel like I'm going to start crying that's how bad it is.

My wolf is not helping me solve this problem that she's causing. She actually thinks it's funny that's she's somewhat making me go insane. Does she really want me to go to a mental asylum?

Ally- bold
Her wolf- italics

Hey if you want to go to a mental asylum and be away from our mate then go ahead and continue.
*Stops being insane on the inside*
Thank you. *Sigh*
I'm only doing it so I can be with our mate. I want to stay with him forever. *She says dreamily*
*Sigh* Bye I got to go.
Bye sweet heart well meet again soon.
I hope it's not to soon.
What was that?
Oh nothing bye!

Out of Ally's head

Thank god that was close. She almost caught what I said or did she just act like she didn't hear me so that I would say it again. I'm not really sure at this point but at least she finally stoped acting crazy. At least for a while I hope.

Scratch that she in my head so she heard me and now she's calling me out for it. Ugh I want to just yell but I can't cause then she's going to be even more annoying. I can't just tell cause that will cause her to get mad from all the yelling and don't want my own mate thinking about me needing help with this problem it would honestly just cause a scene.

My mate would get too worried about me and I just don't want to be treated like I'm some little kid anymore then I am. That would just be so horrible and really embarrassing I don't think I would be able to handle it anymore than I already have too.

I'm really truly sorry it's been so long since I've updated this book.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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