Chapter 3

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Ally's pov

I am on my way to think Zander when I heard moaning coming from his room so I looked in and saw that he was on top of a girl and they were both naked. I will have to get over what I just saw what was going on in there.

''That was just sick now I feel like I'm going to throw up" I say to as I thought to myself but it came out loud instead

My mom must have heard it with her wolf hearing when I was coming down the stairs. I just won't say anything to my brother about what I just saw when I was going to thank him for putting me in bed.

''What was it that you had to see" My mom asked me

I guess I will have to tell her what Zander was doing but I hope he won't be mad about it and that I had to see it and hear the girl moaning my brothers name.

''Mom you have to believe me and what I just saw in Zander's room" I say

''You now I will believe what you say so just say it dear" My mom say back to me

We'll hear goes nothing ''I just saw Zander doing a girl and she was moaning his name but I was just going to thank him for taking me up to my room and putting me in bed that's when I heard the moaning so I went and pecked in the door to his room so I saw what was going on it was just sickening to see that" I say to my mom

''You now we have to tell your father about it because he will need to now also and I hope Zander doesn't find out that you heard and saw what they were doing in bed" my mom says back but I know that she's right about it

Then Zander came in the living room were we where talking and asked the question that I didn't want to answer to so I said that it was just me and mom talking about things and all he said what 'Ok' and then went walk the girl to her car he then came back and sat next to me.

I just realized that his hair was wet so he must have taken a shower at they were doing so they would not know that he was doing it. My mom had went back to the kitchen a little before he came in to the living room and asked what I was talking about with mom.

The fact is that I do want to get away from him is absolutely true because of what he was doing with that girl and I got to hear and see what he was doing and it just made me disgusted. So now I just want to get away from him so I don't have to do anything with him but I know he will notice and ask me what's wrong so since I don't want to tell him and that I don't want to say anything about it and if I do say something about it he will so he'll know that I heard and saw what he was doing to that girl while in his room.

I'm just lucky it was not on the couch because I would have really walked in on them doing it. I really would got in trouble by him if he got to see me looking at them. I just want to go back to my room and then watch some movies by myself then I would get ready for bed take a real quick shower and then finally go back to sleep.

But I can't even do that because I don't know what he would say about it then he would most likely follow me back to my room.

''I'm going to back to my room and thank you for taking me to my room last night after I went to sleep on your shoulder" I say

''Ok see you later then Ally and your welcome for taking you to your room"Zander says back to me

I went back to my room and watched tv but later on when I was about to fall asleep I heard my room door opening and then close Zander came into my room because he lied down with me and said good night to me I was going to say it back but I was to tied.

My alpha brother is my mateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon