Chapter 6 "epilogue"

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After another meeting to announce their engagement Levi and Eren got married a month later.

And ever since they have fought together never leaving each others side against the Titans. Eventually a few years later as a result of humanity's strongest and hope bonding in love the Titans all over the world were finally exterminated .

But for the Titan shifters this was pretty scary until they were informed their lives would indeed be spared. All they would have to do is sign a contract promising to never transform and if a next generation were to be created those children will also sign a contract once it is confirmed they too are shifters.

Eren and Levi settled down in a roomy cottage in the mountains where they raised their adopted children Hiyori and kaneki.

Turns out these 2 siblings lost their parents to the Titans a year before they were all gone. Eren understood what it was like to grow up without parents and Levi was very interested in raising kids with his lover. So they let the kids know they were in luck and would be taking them in.

And so they lived in peace. The kids grew up to be great adults with a good education. The lovers grew old together and never let go of each other. And they even got to see the world together too.

                            ~The End~           

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