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I woke up in a dark room. It was scilent, I tried to get up but I felt cold cuffs around my arms. "Fuck." I whispered. I could hardly remember anything, I felt extremely cold. Am I naked? Oh god.

Please no.

Out of no where a door swung open and the lights came on. "Hello sunshine." The man said. "Who are you?" I yell.

"You'll find out later darling." He tells me.

"What do you want from me?"

"Revenge." He said.

I saw a huge grin on his face, I followed his eyes until I realized what he was staring at. I only had less clothing on, "How did --" I stuttered.

"Mason is lucky to have you, too bad you'll be dying in his arms." He laughs. What the hell.

I tried to move but the chains were so tight causing me to whimper. "Trying to go somewhere?" He chuckled as he moves closer to me. I spat in his face, "Fuck you."

He laughed, "So fucking pathetic."

He walked over to me and before I knew it I felt a stinging pain on my sides causing me to scream. "Not so tough now princess." He laughed. Mason will find me, I know it. He'll do anything in his power to save me. "I know he'll find you but you won't be alive by the time he does." He chuckled. "He'll kill you, he's strong enough."

He shook his head, "I'm stronger than him. He's worthless."

If I weren't chained up right now Id beat his ass. "In the mean time I'll be having fun with you." He said as his cold hand brushed against my face. "Go to hell." I hissed. He unchained me, grabbing my arms with his strong hands, "Let's have some fun princess." He whispered into my ear.

At this moment all I could think was, I'm going to die.


Natalie's still alive. That's all I heard repeating in my head, I'm going to kill Issac. He took what's mine, I'm going to fucking end him.

"So what's the plan?" Ethan asked.

"We're going to track her scent. She couldn't be too far from Issac's mansion. After I find Natalie, I'm going to end him." I tell them.

I heard Claire gasp, "Mason you can't.."

"I can. He took my Natalie and If he layed a finger on her I swear.." I felt Vance's hand on my shoulder, "We'll find her." I seemed to calm down a little.

We exited the house as we all ran into the forest. Ethan and I searched for her prints while Claire, Jace and Vance looked for her scent. "Find anything?" I called out to Claire. She shook her head, Fuck. We have been searching for over an hour and still haven't found anything. I lost all hope, She's dead. Those words were said repeatedly in my head but I knew it was true. Natalie is dead.

My baby is gone.

I fell to my knees, I can't give up even if she's dead. I'm going to find that son of a bitch and murder him slowly. I felt a hand on my shoulder, "Mason?"


"We found something."

I got up from the ground and followed Claire, "What is it?" I asked her. "We know where she is." She looked up at me.

"You tracked her scent?"

Ethan nodded, "Not only that but we tracked Issac's too." He grinned.

"Let's go kill that son of a bitch."



I needed something to post and well here it is. Chapter eight will be longer, I promise.😊

I hope you guys enjoyed!

Please vote if you can, it would mean alot. 💕

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