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Natalie's POV

Mason and I were in the living room sitting down watching White Chicks, My favorite movie. He didn't seem to mind it at all. I could hardly concentrate on the movie since I kept glancing at Mason. He looked so attractive today in his see through shirt and his dark washed jeans. My gosh, I really need to stop.

The past few days living here has been comforting. I'm getting used to sleeping with Mason, cooking, cleaning etc. He hasn't been acting like a horny bastard, Thank god. In a way, I kind of miss that. I've been noticing that I'm slowly falling for him, I guess he's not so bad after all. I appreciate him waiting, thats so sweet of him.

"Natalie?" Mason says causing me to jump.

He laughs at my movement, "Huh?"

"You okay?" He moves closer to me, "Uhm, Yeah."

He gives me a smile as he lays on my lap focusing on the movie. I'm getting used to this as well, I mean getting used to him being all lovey dovey Ya know? If there was one thing I loved about him, it's his eyes, those gorgeous hazel eyes. Everything about his face was so beautiful, he must have been sculpted by angels.

When the film was finally over I looked down to see Mason dozed off, He looks so handsome. I light lift his head to take his weight off me placing him softly on the sofa. I swear if I could I'd watch him sleep for days, that sounded creepy.

I got up from our sofa and went into the kitchen to fetch me something to eat, I went with crackers. After I ate my light snack I grabbed my phone and dialed Jodie's number.

The phone buzzed as I waited for her to answer untill it finally stopped, "Hello?" I hear her say.

"Hi Jodie." I hear a gasp, "Hi Natalie, how are you?" There was such excitement in her voice, I miss her so much, "I'm doing well, how are you?"

"I'm doing really good, what about that beast, Mason?" She laughed into the phone.

"Oh, he's doing fine." I casually say as I shrug it off. I didn't tell her about our intimate sessions, She'd ask for details and I'm not too comfortable about telling her about that.

The whole hour I was on the phone with her was constantly about mating with him, having children, all that jazz. I placed my phone in my back pocket of my jeans as I walked back into our living room, Mason is still dozed off so I decided to take a walk.

Mason told me there was a forest not too far from here, probably five minutes away from here I think. I left a note on the counter before leaving letting Mason know I wouldn't be gone too long. It felt lovely outside, there was a light cool breeze, the sun was shining, birds chirping.

I was lost in my thoughts until I noticed the forest was looking darker than usual, What the hell? I stopped for a moment, I smelt a strong odor, like sweat and blood. I heard a twig snap behind me causing me to jump, "Hello Natalie." I hear a deep voice say. I turn around to see a man with a black shirt and dark washed jeans with dried blood. His eyes were filled with such hatred and sorrow. He looked extremely pissed, I was afraid he was going to hurt me, "Who are you?" I mumble.

A grin appears on his face, He could tell I was afraid from my shaking voice. "I'm your worst nightmare." He tells me. Before I could ask him anything else, everything went completely black.
Mason's POV

I woke up from my long, relaxing nap. I look up to see Natalie is gone, Where the hell is she? It's dark outside. I get up from the sofa and head to the counter where I see a note from Natalie that read; I'm going for a walk in the forest be back soon! xoxo. This couldn't of been a few moments ago, She couldn't be too far. I hear a tap on the door assuming its Natalie but It's the pack. They all look worried.

"Hey, what's going on?" I ask them.

"Natalie is in trouble." Vance tells me.

I could feel my blood begin to boil, "Where the hell is she?" I yell.

"Issiac has her." Claire says as she looks down.

Oh my god.

Please let this be a dream.

"We have to find her quick."

"Let's track her scent." Jace tells me.

I can't imagine what he'll do to her.. If he hurts her I'll never forgive myself.

"Let's go."

I'm coming for you baby.


Short and terrible chapter. I hope you like it, bye babes❤️

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