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Natalie's POV

For the rest of my time being alone I stayed in my, I mean Mason and I's room. I had no idea what his "duties" were but why should I care? I watched Orange is the new Black, my favorite show at the moment.

As I was watching our door swung right open, It was Mason. He had cuts and bruises all over him, He looked extremely weak. I hear him groan in pain, I ran towards him before he fell to the ground. "What Happened?" I walked him to our bed, he collapsed on the bed with a groan. "I'm sorry." I stutter. I didn't mean to hurt him, "What do you need?"

Then it hit me, First Aid Kit.

"I'll be right back." I assure him.

He slightly nods, continuing to groan in pain.

I quickly ran to the bathroom searching for a first aid kit or something to use to heal him. I thought they could heal themselves? I guess not.

Ah Ha!

I finally found the kit, I grabbed it then headed back into our room. I walked towards him, "I'm gonna have to get you up, Okay?" His big hands grab mine as I slightly pull him up. Blood pouring out from his grey v-neck, He had the smell of blood and sweat. It was disgusting.

I tried to prevent myself from gagging or throwing up on Mason. "I'm going to take your shirt off." I tell him.

I could tell he was smirking, I roll my eyes.

I slightly lift up his shirt trying to be careful not to hurt him. I hear him groan in pain, "I'm sorry.." I say.

"It's okay baby." He assures me.

I smile at him.

His shirt is finally off, I simply throw it in the trash. It was ruined anyway..

I took out a cotton ball and alcohol so I could clean his wounds. "This may hurt." I warned.

I gently placed the cotton on his wounded skin, "Fuck!" He yelled in pain. His eyes tightly closed from the pain, I felt so bad.

I continue to clean his wounds, he hissed at every move I made on him. Once I was finally done, I took a bandage and wrapped them around his wounds. I made sure to not make it too tight so he could breathe, "All done."

I'm proud of what I accomplished.

"Thank you baby." He smiles at me.

"You're welcome."

He grabs my arm pulling me towards him, We're now face to face. Our lips an inch apart, he gave me a quick kiss before pulling me into his arms.

I could hear him sniffing my neck, "What are you doing?" I giggle.

"You smell good." He says in a deep tone.

I could feel him smirking on my neck, his lips slightly brushing my neck making me laugh, "Stop."

"Stop what, babe?" He asks playing innocent.

"You know what I mean."

He looks at me straight in my eyes, "You're right."

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