Banquets - Bruce

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You had promised Bruce you would go to this banquet with him. He knew that you weren't one to attend such formal events. In fact you somewhat loathed them. Everyone here was so rich and could afford designer dresses and suits. When you had arrived Bruce was with you so people only dared glance in your direction. Then he got pulled off to talk about business. I mean you couldn't blame him, he was the head of Wayne enterprises after all. As soon as he left your side all the women and girls stared at you and snickered. It wasn't your fault your parents hadn't raised you to suffocate yourself in a corset, and it wasn't your fault when they left. Tonight you wore a dress that your mom had saved for you to wear at your first high school dance. Of course she hadn't been there to see it. It was a beautiful skin tight black cocktail dress that ended mid thigh. The fabric ended above your cleavage and continued into a black lace that caressed your collarbones and cascaded down the form fitting sleeves. Bruce had been nice enough to buy you a pair of black pumps to match since the only shoes you owned were converse. You had curled your hair and put on makeup, you looked killer to be honest, but that didn't matter because everyone here knew who you were. They knew that you were the kid that got abandoned by her wealthy parents, has been living on the streets since she was 12. You would rather sit through hours of trigonometry than go to an event like this, but bruce was your best friend and you knew how much it means to him that you're here. He eventually found his way back to you after about an hour of you standing by the punch bowl. You had been standing against the wall sending glares to all the girls who sent glances your way and whispered. Bruce looked just about as happy as you did.

"Well, this banquet is lacking in fun don't you think?", he asks as he offers you his hand.

"Pft, everyone here is so stuck up. I don't think they even know what fun is.", You say while grabbing his hand. 

From then on Bruce made an effort to introduce you to people. They all had to make a slight effort to cover up their distaste towards you when Bruce was around. Luckily he wasn't gonna take shit from anyone. At first you thought it was just going to be an endless night of pretending to be someone you weren't when he had mentioned introductions. That changed as soon as you came to the first girl who had snickered at you when you showed up. Bruce surprised you by acting professional but making snarky comments towards them. The night went by quick in a series of "Well Mrs. Jefferson, I'm sorry to hear that the robber got away. I won't get the chance to congratulate him on his newfound fortune. Perhaps y/n here could tell him for me. What did you say he looked like again?". Much to everyone's dismay you and Bruce went home laughing and congratulating each other on the clever remarks you were able to come up with towards the stuck up rich folk. Of course Alfred had frowned at first but he couldn't keep it up for very long and was soon laughing along with the both of you.  

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