Chapter 7 - Old Habits Die Hard

Start from the beginning

I laughed humorlessly at my thoughts.

"What's the joke?" A beautiful girl with platinum dyed hair, that was suspiciously thick. She wore a little too much make up and her eyelashes looked natural, but extremely full and long as if she had extensions. She wore a nude bodysuit and high waisted jeans with an oversized jean jacket.

I stopped in my steps and glared at her. "Don't fucking worry about it." Does anyone know how to mind their own business?

She looked away with a slightly hurt expression which made my stomach flip. "You know I was just trying to be nice since it seems as though no one has befriended you yet." She admitted not making eye contact with me. I can't help, but feel slightly guilty. This is the way things have to be though.

"Who said I wanted friends. Just mind your own damn business." I quipped. I quickly walked away from her not giving her a second glance before I walk into my last period of the day.

I stuck my headphones in as I walked into my first period classroom for detention. I didn't bother to even look at the teacher before I took a seat in the back that was quickly becoming my usual seat.

"Victoria!" I heard a voice yell over my loud music. I hummed in irritation before taking my right ear bud out and looked up to the teacher that was now out of her desk. "Please leave your cellular device in your bag. There will be no need for technology for these next hours. If I see it again or your headphones they will be confiscated, am I clear?" Mrs. Jones warned giving me a stern look. I narrowed my eyes at her and took my headphones out. It seems easier to obey then start conflict.

In my last school no teacher would dare mess with me. I kind of miss that. A teeny tiny part of me hated having people fear me, even sometimes made me feel bad about myself, but it got easier has the years went by. Now starting over in a new school, and gaining the same reputation is going to put me through that guilt all over again. I am human after all, not that I'd let anyone know that my actions actually affected me. It was so much easier to be rude to douchebags like the stupid guy who I punched and the rude front desk lady. I looked out the window looking at the trees that were in transition. In a couple months all the forests and beautiful plants will become dormant and lifeless. I hated winter. I liked the warmth of summer, the life of spring and the beauty of autumn. Winter was wet and dry at the same time. It was cold and lifeless and at the same time had a sort of pureness to it.

The sound of boots clomping on the schools tile got my attention. My head turned to the one and only Drew Mays who strutted through the door frame. I quickly looked away not really caring to look at him longer than I had to. He was damn attractive though. I rested my chin on my hands getting lost in my thoughts once again.

I glanced back over towards Drew who seemed to also be lost in thought. His dark thick eyebrows were furrowed causing a sight wrinkle. He seemed to be concentrated and his jaw ticked occasionally. I wonder if he's mad about something. I noticed his lip was busted open a little. My lips parted in slight awe. He truly was a beautiful man. That when I noticed headphones dangling off his ears.

I scoffed and glared at the teacher. I'm not one to snitch, but that truly pissed me off how she made me put mine away and not his. I stretched my arms out and yawned. I reached into my bag pulling out paper and a pencil. I unconsciously began drawing a big oak tree.

45 minutes had passed as I was almost complete with my drawing of a giant oak tree with a small girl sitting on a big root. I looked up as the teachers chair scraping on the floor caught my attention. She grabbed her coffee mug and left the classroom. I put my pencil down and rubbed my face out of exhaustion. Is it even legal to keep me here for two hours?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2019 ⏰

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