"Wait, Rachel...a-are you a virgin?" She bursts into a fit of giggles but stops when I don't answer. What's the big deal? It's not like I just planned on giving it up to anybody.

"You are? Wow." I roll my eyes and get up to throw my food away. My appetite now vanished.

"Wait I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that. It's just-you look so...experienced." Experienced? She gets up and follows me into the kitchen. "I mean have you not looked at yourself?" She rambles. I really don't want to get into this.

"Look I gotta get going. I promised myself that I'd try to job hunt today to ya know...so..." I gesture to the clock in the other room and her face drops. I don't mean to be rude but I hate being put on the spot.

"Oh...well...okay. I should probably get going anyway...I'll go get my things." She turns to walk away and me being the grouchy bitch that I am doesn't try to stop her.

I sigh and curse under my breath. Way to go Rachel. Make a new friend and then throw her away. I feel bad for just shutting down like that, but people have lied and hurt me my entire life. I don't need that right now. "But you know Caroline won't do that to you." I internally fight with myself.

After I clean the kitchen I decide to apologize and go look for Caroline. She couldn't have left yet. I check the entire house, but she isn't anywhere to be found. I guess I'll just have to call her later. I head up the steps to take a shower.

I can't help but to think about Damian and what Caroline said as the water runs. I look in the mirror and take my hair down from it's pony tail. I really did change over the years. My face is thinner, but full of life. My hazel eyes are glowing more than they ever have before and my hair is full and soft. I smile and travel down to my breasts and then my waist. I thinned out so much since middle school.

I close my eyes and take a deep inhale. When I open my eyes Damian is behind me. At first he stares at me with those dark grey eyes that always seems to pierce my soul. As if reading my mind he smoothly wraps his hands around my waist and begins to runhis fingers slowly up and down my sides. My breath hitches and that weird feeling in my stomach from before comes back. I close my eyes and take it all in buying my bottom lip. Seconds later a weird but pleasurable pain shoots down to my belly button and I groan in pleasure.

As fast as the feeling came it quickly vanishes. I open my eyes slowly and he's gone, but my legs are soaking wet.

"What the hell was that?" I murmur and feel the stickyness between my legs. I've heard about this before where girls experience special...feelings. I think they call them...wet dreams? Who cares I just had my first wet dream! And it was about Castellano? Oh god I'm going crazy. I breathe in and out in the middle if the bathroom. I'm losing my mind. I hop in the shower and squirt a ginormous amount of soap on my rag and scrub all the nastiness off of me.

When I'm finally clean, I dry myself off and dress for the day. I put what
happened behind me and focus on the task at hand. I've never worked a day in my life so it's gonna be hard to get a job. People tend to stay away from teenagers with no experience, even though I'm eighteen. My parents always tell me how I don't need to work because we're fully covered, but I feel like I need this. I want to work for my own money and be independent.

I grab my keys and do a once over. I chose a navy blue romper with nude stilettos. I throw on some mascara and lip gloss and grab my bag. I check to make sure I have everything I need and head out the door. As soon as the door shuts I turn to make my down the steps but collide into someone.

"What the?" I look up to see who almost knocked me off my feet. Damian. My breathing stops and I try to act normal.

Why am I not surprised by his visit? He looks me over from top to bottom. His eyes linger on my legs a little too long and my face heats up. Nice try buddy. I clear my throat.

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