I struggle against him again and this time he lets me go. I turn to face him my eyes hard and my jaw locked. He doesn't deserve to know anything. He's nothing to me, and he has already proven I was nothing to him. 

I cross my arms defensively. "It doesn't matter," I barely whisper. I don't understand why he gets to be the one who is mad here.

Two steps. That is all it takes for him to have me pressed against my bathroom door and his body hovering over mine. "Like hell. Tell me," he demands. The vein in his neck is standing out, and his nostrils are flaring with irritation. The tension in the bathroom so thick I can almost feel it pressing our bodies closer.

I shrug like it's nothing when we both know better. "After the cave. You dropped me off at home and I left a while later to go get some food when I passed a tattoo place that I knew wouldn't card me and I got it." And then I came to meet you at the beach and surprise you with it, but you dumped me like the trash on the road. I didn't say it because we both know what happened, but I was damn sure close. 

I can feel the tears prick from under my eyes. I hate feeling vulnerable. I'm the strong, independent girl who's in charge and knows what she wants. But he makes me feel weak and sixteen all over again. I lick my lips and pressed my fisted hands into my thighs to keep the tears at bay.

His eyes soften, as he took a step back and looks around trying to process what has happened. "Gray..." is all that escapes so I cut him off before he can say any more.

I shake my head and swallow the lump that clogs my throat. "It was stupid and a mistake. Just forget about it, and leave me the hell alone," I speak quietly before slipping back into my room.

I know he won't come in. It would be crossing too many lines too soon.

I head over to my bed and crawl back under the covers wishing I had Hayley to lean on as tears slip silently over my cheeks.

I hate what Cale Hasting has done to me.

* * * * *

"Are you serious?" my sister yells into the phone. I have just walked into the kitchen to grab an apple when she comes storming down the stairs in a cloud of aggravation.

"Ugh, yes I guess that is fine, but I better be receiving a discount for the inconvenience!" She pauses listening to the person on the other end of the phone call. "I don't care that the wedding is less than three months away, you will do it!" Her voice demands as it reaches a new level of squeakiness in that moment. I feel bad for the other person on the line. Bailey isn't easy to deal with when she wants something and they obviously aren't seasoned in the art of keeping crazy brides calm.

She hangs up and slams the phone on the counter. "Fudge," she mumbles. I shake my head, god she can't even curse like an adult. She runs her hands through her hair and begins to whine like a dog.

I roll my eyes. "Everything okay Bai?" I ask not really caring to be honest. I don't think planning a wedding should be this stressful, and if they pushed the wedding date back it honestly wouldn't be. But the two lovebirds just have to get married as soon as possible.

Her bright blue eyes look a little crazed as they meet mine. "The florist was supposed to meet with us at two because you are choosing a dress at twelve. Everything was worked out. But now they have to move us up to twelve also. I can't be in two places at once!" Her words coming out fast, and a tad jumbled as she speaks frantically.

"It's going to be okay, maybe mom and I can go to the bridal store while you and Cale go to the florist. It is all going to work out. Breathe, and be calm," I tell her as I walk over and wrap my arms around her petite frame. It's awkward at first not going to lie. Bailey and I haven't been super touchy feely in a long time so it's weird to embrace her. But I know she needs it, and as soon as she hugs me back I realize I need it just as much. She may not know what hurts me, or what I used to cry about at night, but when she holds me it feels like she almost does. Like she for just those few moments gets me.

It makes me wish I could tell her everything.

"Everything okay?" Cale's deep voice echoes from the staircase down at us.

But then I make eye contact with Cale, and remember why I can never tell her anything.

I pull away from Bailey suddenly feeling uncomfortable that he is in the room. The bathroom fiasco was only a couple hours ago, and too fresh on the skin and heart for my liking. Again hatred pools under my skin making my skin flush. Hatred for not only what he did to me, but for putting this wedge between my sister and I without her even knowing

"No, I mean yes now. My maid of honor just came up with a brilliant solution to the problem I was having," Bailey says. She smiles as she wraps her arms around me one more time for a quick squeeze. 

I can't help but smile back. I hate Cale and I hate this wedding, and my sister annoys me a large part of the time. But I do love her more than anything. We use to be so close that we would tell each other anything and everything. But I pulled away and our relationship has suffered. We talk on the phone and text every couple weeks, but the conversations are short and sometimes forced. She makes more of the effort to be honest. I should try more, and sometimes I do. But then I pull away if she mentions something that reminds me of that summer. I hate that I recoil from that reminder, but I do. I'm still weak. I hate being weak.

"And what is that?" he asks as he grabs some juice from the fridge.

Bailey has a huge grin on her face. "You and Gray are going to go to the bridal store, while mom and I go to the florist!" She says enthusiastically with a clap of her hands.

Cale stops pouring his drink. My heart stops. I have to spend time with him...alone? Hell no.

I shake my head. "I said that you and Cale should go to the florist and mom and I should go to the bridal store," I clarify.

Bailey just smiles and waves her hand. "Yes I know you did silly," she laughs me off, and she says no more.

I stare at her waiting for an explanation. I glance over at Cale who's gripping his glass of milk so hard I am surprised it hasn't burst already. He's avoiding my gaze. "I don't get it Bai, why can't I just go with mom?" I ask my tone a bit more clipped than I would've liked.

She sighs. "Because you and Cale need to get to know each other, and this is a perfect opportunity," she starts as she begins to tap on her phone. "Plus mom used to work at a flower shop so she knows her stuff and I have already picked certain dresses for you to try on." She stops and locks her blue eyes on me. "I don't really need to be there, the flowers need me today Gray." I try to hold in my scoff. I don't want to be stuck "getting to know" Cale. Little did she know just how well he does know me.

I look up to meet Cale's hazel eyes, his jaw locked, and his lips thinned.

Yeah, we know each other just a little too well for my liking.

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