One Life For another..

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Aphmau's Pov.

I closed my eyes and sang the Song Ross requested which was just one of my own songs. He knows me to well.

I was suck in the dark
Never to be seen...
Left there to die
Is what he mean.

No more hiding.
I will live on!

I've been through hell
and back
Fighting for survival
I don't know what Good
Is anymore.
Everything I see Is dark
No more light in my eyes


The dark was all I know
But you see the light
You left me to die

I was suck to the dark
Never to be seen
Left there to die
Is what he mean

Now I can live with
Out fear from the
Clutches of you.

I been through hell
And back
Fighting for survival
I don't know what Good
Is anymore
Everything I see is dark
No more light in my eyes.


I can't get my self
But my goal is clear
I will live on
Away from you

I'm stronger now
I can depend on my self
No more running away
I will fight to see the light

(Singing stop and the music box played a beat to the song)


I was suck to the dark
Never to be seen
Left there to die
Is what he mean

I can see the light
But it's out of reach
For this world is against me

been through hell
And back
Fighting for survival
I don't know what Good
Is anymore
Everything I see is dark
No more light in my eyes...

I finish and I heard the foot steps disappear.

"Ok guys that was close the Pisseria is closing soon so you guys should go come back soon please."

They all nodded except Jin of course I walked over to him and hugged him.

"I'm here and remenber you guys can't tell anyone or Freddy will kill you..."

"Jess...I mean Aphmau we know now get to your music box and we will be on are way we'll come tomorrow."
.they walked out and I went to my music box and jumped in. I went to my bed and flopped down to be surrounded by darkness.

??? Pov.

Agh I lost my friends and I'm stuck in this Pizzeria, not only that no one's here except those animotronic's.


Shoot I need to hide. I ran behind the trash cans and peeked through the to see what is going on.

Third person view/Pov

A brown and black animotronic open a door he had a tie and a hat and on his shoulder there read was Freddy...

The animotronic pulled a little girl into view to the unknown person.
Freddy dragged the screaming and crying little girl across the floor. He went through the door throwing the girl in and locking it.

His mechanical parts were squeaking while he walked back to the door he came from. The unknown person sat there and diceaded to stay in his spot until the times right.

The door open again to show a black and white figure. The Marionette. She walked quickly to the door and tried unlocking it but is was jammed.

She then looked around. She spot a hammer next to the trash cans. She picks it up and almost saw the unknown person.

She carried the hammer to the door again. She left it up and slammed the lock off. Opening the door to see the little girl known as Sydney crying with scraped knees and bruises from being dragged and thrown.

The little girl ran to the Marionette. The Marionette pick her up and walked to the door but before she can Freddy was standing there with a dark aroma around him. Aphmau/Marionette put Sydney down and pushed her behind her.

Sydney's Pov

I watch as Marionette stood in front of me blocking Freddy from getting me. He was angry and I was scared.

I looked at Marionette and back at Freddy expecting the worst.

"Freddy kill me and let the girl go..."

"Mari I won't do that I will do this though."

I looked at Freddy and I saw him smirk. WAIT HE SMIRKED! How can he smirk if he can only smile... I might have just felt his emotions.

"I'll let the little girl go if you give up your freedom."

I saw Marionette hesitate but she then was serious.

"Fine but...

She was cut off by this unknown person jumping from behind the Trash cans and getting in front of her.

I couldn't tell who the person was I couldn't see his/her face and what they looked like...

"Let them go and take me instead..."

So guys for the 1k views I need a new charter as you can see they'll feel in the spot as the unknown person.

All I need is






That's all I need and just to let you know the future if the winning charter will be revealed in the next chapter. You have until...
Next Tuesday to enter.
I hope you enjoy and sorry for me being crazy on the last chapter. What can you expect me just siting there bored of 1k views or me excited because of it. Well I got to go pay for the broken wall I made in Aphmau's house.

Bye my pups until next chapter😆

F.N.A.F.   Marionette Harmony  (Aphmau Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now