Super powers

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When people ask you,
"If you were to have one superpower, what would it be?"

Some people say that they'd like to live forever, and I never really understood that. Well, yes it would be extremely cool to be able to experience literally all of the world's progressive history until it's anticipated end, but will it be worth it? You must remind yourself that had you actually possessed this power, you are presumably the only one on earth that has it. You are going to watch everyone you love and are attached to die, as an endless cycle, no one will be safe from it.
Unless you find great joy and pleasure in being and growing and bonding with someone until they pass, forcing yourself to do nothing but forget them and move on. Will it not rid you of all of your emotions eventually? You would be cold-hearted and practically lifeless, and I can't imagine you'd be very kind at that point either. Plus you have 'Eternal' life on earth, not eternal youth so your arthritis and weakness will render you motionless and pain stricken. If nothing else, your body would simply return to the dust that it came from, literally withering away. Making you a miserable wondering soul until you manage to contact a human that is willing to put your soul to rest. And if you choose to be a wondering soul for eternity, you will have granted yourself a make-shift eternal life anyway. Also, depending if you are a Christian or not, you are relying on faith to give you that 'superpower'.

So there is my long-winded tangent about silly superpowers, I hope you gained knowledge and brain cells.

Learned that overthinking things makes it depressing✌️😂

Learning through life Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora