Random Thinking

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This virtual piece of paper is about me thinking lately on how depressing the world can be, I mean there is so much going on becuase of us humans ruining everything. We're cutting down trees and not replanting, we are killing thousands of species just becuase of our greedy possessiveness, we have been beaten and abused or have abused some one else. I would just like to briefly touch on the fact that I am a Christian, but that doesn't I think any less of anyone who is different than me, like some Christians tend to do. I appreciate everyones beliefs and religion, I'm glad that people are okay with saying that. the next thing I wanted to talk about is bullying, I know this is a sensitive subject to some people so I will make a divider to section off this part in case you would not like to read.
I know bullying is hard for some people and when I heard that my friends were bullied at their old school I was very upset because they mean so much to me. I asked one of them who it was and she said it was over now but I was still ferious. I realize that some people may be bullying but not even notice that they are doing so. For example; there are these people in my class who kind of joke around with this other guy who is a distant friend, you could say and they make him so angry with out even realizing it sometimes. Other times they do it on purpose. I try to stop them without them being mildly sexist,
"you need a girl to protect you? Wow."
I hate it when people do that becuase I felt like I made it worse and I probably did. Myself, have never been bullied to any drastic extent but whenever I hear someone is it makes me feel like the bully should be told off and fed to the sharks. No one deserves any sort of abuse from anybody at any time. Some of you might not even notice but you might be actually bullying someone but you shouldn't.
Most commonly, a bully's motive is that'll they feel bad about themselves and use you to build them up.

Learned not to listen to them✌️

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