News flash; Everybody's Human

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There is always that one person that thinks that there better than you and they tease you relentlessly. But the truth is, they're teasing you to build themselves up because they feel bad about themselves for some reason. But what those people don't realize is that because of them, people have lost lives or come really close to losing it. if someone is different and they make fun of them it's usually to make themselves noticed more.

For example; I was watching TLC and there was a show about someone who was a 'little person'. She was 18, her friends popped up on screen for a minute. They talked to here like she was five, and I wondered if she was insulted by this. If someone has a disorder that makes them a bit smaller and they are older, treat them the age appropriate way you would if you had a 16 year old friend that was your height. Do not talk to them with that stupid little soft voice you use to tell a toddler to go say sorry. Treat them like they deserve.

Learned that no matter what, they deserve kindness✌️

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