The Jungle book

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I don't know if you have heard or not, but the Disney movie 'The Jungle Book' has been transformed into a realistically styled movie. I have recently seen it and I thought I might as well put my two cents into it and tell you what my thoughts are on it.

I think that it is an incredibly inspirational and well made film. It's especially inspiring when you look at it in the perspective of a person like me, who often ponders many things that a person of my age shouldn't be worrying about now. I worry about what I'm going to do when I grow up, my existence, and the concept of reality at times. It gives a sense of hope and security by having that feeling of 'what ever you do, you will make a difference'

It really proves that you can do anything that you put your mind too as long as you stick to your roots and do what you love. As well as using your talents to make other lives better and happier.
It says to people that sometimes you have to let people do what they feel is right and let them learn for themselves. Bossing people around doesn't necessarily make them change their minds, it makes them angry and want break your rules even more so then before.

It shows towards the end of the movie that doing what you love makes a difference in people's lives. Not following what everyone else did makes you special and different in the best way possible. That not following everyone else has opened a door for you to accomplish something bigger and was and is a good decision to make.

It sends the message that categorising yourself into a group that you don't really personally associate with doesn't pay off in the end. By being yourself your leaving room for improvement of your personal being.

I could say a lot more and this probably didn't make much sense but this is all I'm going write.

Learned that no matter what you do in life, your making someone happy✌️

Learning through life Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora