Crash, Crash, Fall to Earth!!!

Start from the beginning

So Cinder had just about had it with everything.

She allowed the urges to utilize her glamour to run wild as she took hold of Sybil's mind. Digging into her head, she forced Sybil to put down the gun. To bad she was able to shoot before Cinder made her pull her finger out of the trigger guard.

Her aim was a bit off, so she didn't hit Cinder. She got Wolf, right in the center of his chest.

"Wolf!" Scarlet screamed.

"Help him," Cinder ordered. The lights in the hanger flickered. The crates and random stuff around them shifted and so did the ship. Sybil was fighting back, trying to reclaim her mind. Cinder hadn't taken control of her body, and that would be her undoing.

A scream came from behind her, and Cinder thought it was little Cress, cowering in fear. People rushed around her, but she couldn't concentrate on them right now. She forced Sybil to walk out of the satellite, but she couldn't stop her from grabbing onto a certain Captain and soldier with her own glamour. Frustrated, she dashed after them, desperate to get them off the satellite before the ship gave way and tried to leave.

With her glamour, she broke into Wolf's head and ordered him to get back into the Rampion. Sybil was already in her ship with Jacin and Thorne. Okay, call her heartless, but Jacin wasn't the one who would be killed if he went to Luna with Sybil. So, she didn't bother to try to get him, and made Thorne get off the ship. Mustering all of her energy, Cinder punched Sybil in the nose before the doors of her ship closed.


Wolf sat on the floor of the Rampion, unable to hear a thing. He staggered to his feet, clutching his stomach due to the wound in it's center. Figures ran around him, some toward a bright, red light that was coming from.

Oh stars.

Before he could even process what he was doing, Wolf gripped the person standing in the doorway of the satellite entrance and pulled them onto the ship. That red light meant that the seal of the doors was breaking free, and would form a crack that would suck all of the air out of the ship if he let it.

No, Scarlet was on this ship. And under no circumstances would Wolf let her die. She was the only person he really cared for on this ship, or even between everyone he knew on Luna and Earth. She was more precious to him than anything.

And he could have sworn he saw her go into the satellite.

He pushed the person he yanked out of the way behind him and headed for the entrance. "Wolf, no!" someone cried. But he didn't heed them. If Scarlet was on that satellite, he had to get her out.

Two people tried to push him out of the satellite. Crescent and Carswell. Wow, they looked like they would be happy together someday, even if they couldn't see it yet. The sight of them working together, being together, only worsened his need for Scarlet.

His mind dulled, and he felt the harsh sting of a glamour he'd grown used to as a kid. Cinder was taking hold of his mind. Without his consent, his legs carried him out the satellite. The hatch door closed behind him.

"Iko! Get us out of here!" Cinder ordered. Wolf had no idea that Iko could pilot a ship. Maybe it was a pre-programmed autopilot Cinder or Scarlet had set previous to this mess.

The jerk of the ship made Wolf nearly fall to the ground. A groan sounded from behind him, and Wolf prayed that it was Scarlet.

From behind a crate, the guard that woman brought with her sat up and rubbed his head. Wolf's hatred flared, and he felt the need to crush him.

"Jacin?" Cinder asked, skeptical. "But you were on the other ship with Sybil?"

The man shot her a confused stare. "What are you talking about? I've been here since Sybil whacked me on the head with her gun. Freaking crazy woman."

The space inside Wolf's body grew smaller and tighter. If this Jacin guy wasn't on the ship, and someone else was ... could that mean?

The clanking of metal echoed of the corridor walls. Iko came running in, almost appearing as though she was panting. Wolf knew she was a very life-like android. But did she really have to be so close to human? It was kind of freaky.

"Just thought you should know, the satellite is falling out of it's orbit and to Earth," Iko informed.

"Wait, where are Thorne and Cress?" Cinder asked. The four of them called out three names. Thorne, Cress, and Scarlet. The last one was mainly Wolf. Yet, it couldn't hurt to try. After ten minutes of calling out, Cinder crouched to the ground in despair.

"Cress and Thorne probably got stuck in the satellite when you closed the doors," Jacin said.

"And Scarlet was the one Sybil took with her. Not you," she added. Her expression projected clear guilt. She blamed herself for this. Sybil's ship was out of reach, and they couldn't hope to catch up. Cress's satellite was hurtling towards Earth and would crash into who-knows where.

"We have to get Scarlet," Wolf expressed. The faint feeling in his head was expanding at an alarming rate. He could barely stand on his own two legs. Not to mention the bullet wound in his sternum that was leaking badly. Actually, the more Wolf thought about the blood coming out of him, the more he saw pooling on the ground at his feet.

Everyone around him was tense, like they were getting ready to catch him if he fell. "We have to save .. Scar....." His vision went black, and he felt the cold, hard ground on his back. Then, nothing.


Cress screamed as she held onto a loose beam near her bed. She was falling to Earth, would probably die, and all because she tried to do the right thing and help Wolf back into the Rampion.

Thorne was close to her, but not moving. She hadn't had time to check if he was dead, since the satellite was crashing in any minute. But he couldn't be dead. She still had to thank him for risking his life the way he had and getting her away from Sybil. He saved her, she owed him.

Maybe he was the prince she'd been waiting for all along. She'd just been too blinded by his outer stupidity to see it.

He was out cold, or whatever he was on the floor just feet from her. Crying and shrieking, Cress reached out for him and tugged him to her by his shirt. The bridge of his skull was cut and bleeding. He must have hit his head when the satellite first started to fall.

Cress dragged him closer and held him around his waist. "You can't die," she told him. "You have to stay alive and stay with me. Please, stay." The words poured out of her mouth like she'd said them a thousand times leading up to today. She clung to the Captain for dear life, begging for anything that could be out in space to save them.

Nothing came as the two fell to Earth. Not to long after they fell out of their orbit, Cress could make out definite landmarks on the planet. Her dream of going to Earth had come true. But not the way she wanted it to.

All this happened while she held fast to her Captain, praying that he was okay, and that they would both wake up so she could thank him for saving her.

Then, everything went black.

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