#5 - I'll Be Here

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"Y-yeah, Nishita's right! It's not like we wanted to see you alone with Zandar, Ahonee-san!" Rere mumbled.

Nica gave them a suspicious look. The five just gave her a crooked smile, hoping she was convinced.

"Okay! We'll just head home..." Anca clapped her hands, trying to get them out of this awkward situation. The five of them scooted to the elevator.

"Ganbatte nakkuh!" Anca whispered loudly.

"You can do it, Nica!" Nishita continued.

"You'll be fine! Call us if you need anything. We'll come in a jiffy," Alice gave her a two thumbs up.

"Gave him a medicine or anything, like in shoujo mangas!" Alicia chimmed.

"Go for it, Aho-nee! Don't let this time go to waste. At least hug him or something so he can feel better..." Rere gave Nica a naughty smile.

Nica shooed them away. When they're finally gone, she took a deep breath and slowly entered Zandar's apartment.


She stopped right after she was in Zandar's living room. It was not to big and quite messy, with books scattered here and there. His computer desk was full with paper, and Nica could see an unfinished meal on top of his dining table.

"Zandar?" She called again.

No responses. She glanced on a hallway beside her. There were three doors on the end of the hallway. One was closed, and one had a bathroom sign on it. The last door was half opened, so Nica could see what's or who's inside.

She saw a boy on his bed, breathing heavily, sleeping. She crept in quietly, not wanting to disturb Zandar. His face was red, full of sweat. Nica slowly brushed her hand against his forehead.


Nica quickly pulled herself up, went outside and found a handkerchief hanging on the kitchen wall. She soaked the handkerchief in warm water and put it on Zandar's forehead to reduce the fever.

She could hear Zandar mumbled. "....ca..... Nica......"

"Shh, I'm here, I'm here," Nica calmed him down, adjusting the handkerchief.

"Is that...really you...?" Zandar said, his eyes still closed.

"Yes, yes it's me. Now go back to sleep while I do some things, okay?"

Zandar nodded weakly. Nica put her hands on his cheek. "You'll be fine, Zandar. You'll be fine."

Nica closed the bedroom door soundlessly. She examined the apartment. It wasn't really huge, but enough for a family to live.

It also has a great view, and since Zandar's apartment is on the 9th floor, Nica can see the whole school from his balcony. She liked it when the wind blows her hair softly, brushing against her cheek. The thing is, the apartment was eerily quiet.

Nica stood in the middle of the living room, thinking about what it feels like to be like Zandar. Alone in this apartment, with just a PC as his friend.

He must be lonely.

It was just 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Nica decided to clean Zandar's apartment. Yosh! she thought, her hand forming a fist. Let's do this.

Nica found a broom behind the kitchen door and started sweeping around the house. She tidied Zandar's computer desk, threw the trash out, and she even re-adjust the sofa. After an hour of cleaning, sweeping, mopping, and coughing here and there, Nica exhaled with relief, admiring her work. You could even see sparkles since the room is so clean. (Nah, jk)

Nica opened the fridge and found a frozen meatball soup. She decided to warm it up in the microwave and gave it to Zandar.

When she got in to his room, Zandar's already awake, staring at the ceiling.

"Hey, Zandar," she pushed the door open slowly. "There's meatball soup for you. Feeling better?"

Zandar glanced at Nica, expressionless. "Yeah."

"Why are you here, Nica?" Zandar asked as he watched Nica put the soup on a table next to his bed.

"Well I heard you're sick, so I decided to pay you a visit." Nica answered obviously.

"Thanks," she could hear Zandar mumbled.

"Daijoubu. Anyway, how could you get a fever? You're okay yesterday."

Zandar let out a cough. "Um, about that..."

He inhaled and told Nica about the dream. About how he worried so much about it,plus the fact Nica hasn't gave him an answer to the date, and that he didn't sleep all night. About how he overthinked it until his head hurt. He didn't dare to look Nica in the eyes until he finished talking.

"So.... You're sick... Just because you're worried I don't like you anymore? That I maybe don't want to go on a date with you?" Nica asked.

"Yeah," Zandar answered solemnly. He's embarrassed right now. "I'm afraid that you're going to leave me. I wanted you to stay."

"PFFT HAHAHAHAH! Sorry.... Pfft, I just can't help it..." Nica burst out laughing, wiping a tear from her eye.

"That was the most ridiculous and sweetest reason I've ever heard for someone to be sick." Nica sat on the edge of Zandar's bed. "Why would I leave you? You're the first boy ever that really captured my heart. You changed my life. You made my days even more interesting, and you always listen to my problems. You're the best boyfriend ever.

"And because of that, I will never, ever leave you, Zandar. Not in a million years. Not if the whole world crumbles and turn into ashes. Never. And whenever you need me, I'll be here," Nica said as she placed her hand on Zandar's chest, refering to his heart.

"I'll always be by your side."

Zandar squeezed Nica's hand on his chest. "And the date?"

"Duh, of course I'm going."

Zandar smiled from ear to ear. That's the best news he's heard all day. Somehow he's fever left his body and he felt like the healthiest man on Earth. Then he quickly pulled Nica close to him and gave her a kiss. (On the lips ofc. HAHA. The author is practically fangirling right now.)

When their lips parted, Zandar could see Nica's tomato red face. He chuckled and gave her a hug.

"Thank you, Nica."


Hi guys, Catdusa here ~

Soooo sorry for the long time to update, school started and I don't have much time to continue writing (not to mention writer's block :v)
To make it up, I hope you enjoy this long chapter ^^
Thanks for reading!

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