Welcoming Austin

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The last thing I remember is letting the pill bottle slip out of my clammy hands. The empty bottle hit the floor with a small thud. The contents were now being dissolved in my stomach as I felt my spirit fight its way out of me. I didn't know that I didn't wanna die until I arrived to my first destination. "I must be barely clinging to life.." I thought to myself. I opened my eyes and found mykie starring at me slightly confused. I knew she wasn't gonna ask so I didn't tell.

After sitting there quietly staring at nothing in particular she spoke. "I really could use a hamburger right about now. " she chuckled to herself. "You're hungry? You can feel that?" I raised my brow in confusion as she look up slightly amused. "I don't feel hungry so I don't believe I am but I'd still like to have one." She smiled and shook her head as she looked back down. "O-oh right.. So do you mind showing me around this place?" She lifted her head and smiled, "I can't show much speaking that I don't know much about this place but I'd be happy to help you tunnel through the mazy halls." She said shyly. And with that we lead ourselves to the door and snuck out.


I have to say, he was really attractive. He had thick black hair and the finest green eyes. "Ahem." I looked up and saw him staring and I immediately felt my face get hot. Did I say that aloud? "Why are you staring at me like that?" I asked self consciously. "You spaced out while we were talking." He laughed softly. "Oh. Right. Where'd we leave off?" I asked, relieved that I had kept my thoughts to myself. "What you favorite color was." He said as I lead him down one of the many halls that occupied this place. "Uh I'm not really sure I have one. You?" I asked, slightly distracted with guiding him through the narrow halls. "Green" he said without hesitation. I smiled at him and nodded. "That's a nice color." I added. He nodded in agreement and started to take in the scenery around us. Not much if you ask me though. Just cold grey concrete walls the extended beyond anyone's reach. Maybe here and there you'd see a little sprout popping its way through tiny cracks in the foundation. Austin seemed to noticed as he made his way over to the tiny plants and watch in awe as they'd pop up. He trailed his fingertips down the cracks and more sprouts would rise. "That's incredible how are you doing that?" I exclaimed "I have no Idea.." He said deeply fascinated with the plants. As he enjoyed that I started to wander around some more halls that I never went through. The air felt stifled as I made my way down to the end. All that was down there was another room that had nothing but concrete walls and a inescapable ceiling. It felt slightly warmer that the rest of the rooms though. Something about it made me want to sit, so I did. I sat on the cold dusty floor and picked up little pebbles, that must've fallen inside, and rubbed my fingertips against the soft surfaces. It felt so much like home as she gripped the soft pebble tighter. She closed her eyes as she palmed the stone. The room was so quiet she could hear the rhythm of her heart beating. Suddenly a noise, like something had been turned on, she looked up to see a bright light casted on the opposite wall. She stood to search for the source bet was led to no avail so she sat back down curiously as a film began to play. What us this? Wait.. This looks familiar.. What no this can't be.. She jumped up flying out of her thoughts as she screamed. "Turn if off! Turn it off now!!" She begged and screamed and cried and the show went on. "Why are you doing this to me?! Why?!" She searched for an answer but didn't get it. She heard someone run into the room as she hugged herself tighter. "Don't watch please don't watch." She sobbed as he diverted his eyes away from the screen and landed them on her and he steppes closer sitting beside her as he wrapped his arms around her frame. "Hey its okay were gonna get through this. We will get through this.." He spoke softly and peaked up at the large screen seeing something that he wished he hadn't.

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