The Art of Information

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Once we made it to the door we had let our giggles subside before we entered. Once we walked inside Mykie slowed her pace and after walking in behind her I immediately understood why. Once we fully entered the room something about it seemed off. There wasn't that bright heavenly glow anymore and the weird representative had disappeared. "So are we playing manhunt with this dude?" My voiced sounded more sarcastic than I intended it to be. The remark was more of a way to break the eery silence that had settled over the room. The gigantic mirror that was placed on the way was no longer there but instead replaced by what looked liked heavy velvet curtains. Mykie stood still as she soaked up the new scenery not speaking as I scratched at the back of my neck where my hair started to stand. So what the fuck do we do now. They both thought. Mykie rolled her eyes and plopped herself onto one of many cots that had been abandoned in this room. "Hey, look at the bright side, we can get information with out being caught." I attempted to sound genuine but was only able to muster false hope in my heart. "But what if the representative was our only lead? Was the only information source for us? What then?" I could hear panic rise into her voice I knew what that lead to and I didn't know how to help with panic attacks. Even though I've had many I was never able to get rid of them. "Hey hey its gonna he okay let's just rest up a bit and try to relax and then we can start looking for information." I spoke quietly struggling to hide my doubt. She smiled and nodded slowly. "Alright."


I knew he didn't really believe in his answers. He was too much of an honest person to know how to cover up doubt. Not that I was upset or anything but I saw behind his plastered smile and guilty eyes that he knew that there's a possibility of a fallout in this situation. He slid onto his cot and leaned against the wall behind him I could tell he was struggling to relax. I laid back and curled up onto the cot. The springs mad an annoying creaking sound every time I moved and it was hard to get comfortable. The last thing I remember was closing my eyes. "Mykie catch the ball!" My mother squealed as she chased dad around the backyard. Avery leaped up in effort to grab the ball before it landed. "I got it mom I got it!" Avery yelled out before the ball came crashing down into her face. She tumbled onto the grass and everyone went quiet until Avery broke out in fits of laughter. Dad helped Avery up and laughed along with her. "Come on kiddo you have a practice to attend." Avery waved goodbye as she tossed the ball onto the ground. Mom and I waved back and waited till they left the driveway. "Ready for our secret spa day?" She giggled like a bubbly seventeen year old. It was kind of adorable to see her so happy. "Ready as I'll ever be." I woke up with tears prickled in the corners of my eyes. I lifted only to find the room was much darker then when I had laid down and I noticed Austin was curled up on his own cot snoring softly. It almost sounded like a soothing melody if you ask me. I slid off the cot in hopes I wouldn't wake him and tiptoed around the room. The representatives clipboard was shoved against a small bar stool and a side table. I tugged it free and scanned my wandering eyes over the pages that were bonded together.

√-Mykie Jane McCoy
√-Austin Lee Grem
Comments: Both souls are accounted for. Steps to move them into the after life are halted due to imperfections in the buildings structures and flaws in the process of helping them step into the light. Both souls committed harm against themselves in the act known as 'suicide.' Tests are going to be done on a further occasion to inquire the destination in which their happiness lies. After the tests are run and the results are concluded the two souls will be placed in a separate room to cross over into their permanent afterlife destinations.

Inquiries: Mykie Jane McCoy acts out When her mother is involved. Signs of affection and guilt show she should be placed in a place in which her mother is-

Tears blurred my vision as I struggled to keep them from leaking all over the nice white paper. I struggled to catch my breath as I searched around for something to stop my tears. My eyes landed on the tall sleeping figure crushed up on a small cot. He was such a peaceful sleeper. It was actually beautiful. "When we get out if here I'm going to take you shopping for art equipment." I smiled to myself and wiped my streaky watery eyes with my sleeve and continued to read.

Austin Lee Grem has no realization of his state in particular. He is void of any characteristics of the grieving process in which Mykie McCoy has taken. Afterlife possibility is unknown. All we know for now is that his soul is considered free of any afterlife material. Austin has a roaming soul and considered dangerous if we hope to put the two souls to rest.

I shoved the clipboard back into its spot and walked around to the thick velvet curtains that hung against the wall. Shadowing what was behind it. I pulled a part of it back to reveal a huge white wall. I could see sealed up cracks forming a small door and I pushed the edges to see how sturdy it was. The door gave way and relief flooded me. All I needed to do now was to get Austin and get a move on.

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