The Essence Of Falling

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Warped shapes and dark masses that cluttered my vision cause my eyes to roll back further. Sounds march past as some descend into deeper hollows and others ascend into the vast space of my eardrum. Why is it so loud? I get it jeez. The rise of liquid covers my lips as I spit, at least try to, my body doesn't move. I can hear chanting as levitate above the ground. Is that actually chanting? Or is it something more, like a cry. The thought slithers across my brain slower than normal as I push myself through a curtain of darkness, peeking to see, a bright light pierces my eyes. Shapes start to show themselves, more defined than what I had saw behind my heavy eyelids. I still can't move but my eyes seem to wonder uncontrollably as a face comes into view. Do I remember any of this? No-wait I do. Its Austin? The paralysis wears off as I gain my feeling back. Only at this time do I realize I'm drowning in the water I'm lying in. Panic rises in my throat as I gurgle struggling to spit of the excess liquids. Austin flips my over and starts patting my back with force but hes ever so gentle. "Mykie fucking hell come on spit it up." Spitting pit what I can with each pat I manage to Pty my clogged throat and interrupt his soft coos with watery coughs. As the fit ended he yanked me back into his arms, cradling me as if I were an infant. "How did the water come on?" His hands fall stiff against me. "What? You turned it on?" I felt my blood run cold. "No I didn't I was on the floor the whole time. These 'angels' are running out of time to get us into the afterlife." I struggled to stand up as my legs wobbling like a baby deer's right after they're born. Austin reached for me and held onto my waist. Maybe it was the sensation but I felt a hot blush creep up my face. Now is not the time. I stood up and leaned against the wall, the spiderwebs that filled my brain started to disappear as I gained back my memory and the feeling of falling was pushed away right before I landed face first on the concrete of deaths floor. "We have to go. Now." He looked at me and didn't ask for further instructions. He knew what I meant and hopefully he knew to trust me. But did I even trust myself at this point?


They say that the monitors are going to have to he cut soon. She's still not breathing soon and I'm not too sure she's going to at all. What will her sister think? What will I think? When I know she's not coming back. I don't have the heart to tell Avery yet. I'm not sure I will until its all said and done. Friday is her last day on this planet. Well.. At least her bodies last day. My baby's soul left a long time ago. A very long time ago.


I don't know where were going or what's going on in her head but I know I have to trust her. I know I have to do my best to save her. She has to make it out. She doesn't think I know but I do. The door she found, its the afterlife services. A person you've lost comes back to show you all the wonders of the heaven and hell terrain. Mykie most likely will be shipped to heaven. But me, poor old me, I won't be getting shipped anywhere near heaven. I have to save her should before she runs out of time to make it back home. I don't think I'm coming out of here but I don't think I can tell her that. Not until she's already inside the gateway to go home.

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