23. Grass Ain't Greener

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Seems like ain't nothing cool about being real
No one's honest about what they feel....
- Chris Brown

Brie's POV

While Justin occupied the shower I took the opportunity to do what had been on my mind all morning. Securing my laptop on my lap I impatiently waited for it to load up after pressing the 'ON' button. I logged into Facebook and bypassed all friend requests, messages and notifications, heading directly for the search bar. I anxiously typed in 'Derek Jordan', pressed enter and waited with baited breath for the search results to load.

Derek's profile was the first to pop up. We had no mutual friends following the ruthless friends' list clear out I'd done since the McDonalds of Justin and I surfaced so when I clicked on his profile I couldn't see a lot.

Derek Jordan

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Basic Information
Birthday: January 29
Gender: Male
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Current Location: Los Angeles, California
Relationship Status: Single
Interested In: Women

As my eyes scanned over his information I immediately noticed that his current location was LA which meant he was either back at home or just hadn't bothered to let the world know where he was... The latter seemed more likely; Derek had always been a private person. I felt a little disappointed upon the realization that I couldn't that view his pictures but then again knowing him there would only be a couple of photographs up anyway.

I gazed at his main picture and began to reminisce... I rarely ever thought about Derek, since I'd met Nathan he seemed to be the person who took up all the 'ex-boyfriend' memories with his fucked up self-leaving no space to think about my good guy Derek.

Speaking of Nathan, I was surprised he hadn't shown up in recent times, I expected him to be the first one at my door when Justin and I ended up on the internet. Derek would probably find the whole thing astonishing, I knew he'd never picture me with a guy like Justin, a celebrity, just like he'd said he'd never imagined I'd be with someone like Nathan.

"You started off so good, getting with me," He'd teased flashing his mega-watt smile as we lounged on his couch during his visit to LA which coincided with one of Nathan and I's break ups, "Where did it all go wrong, Brie?"

Derek and I were similar in that we both worked in the industry but behind the scenes; he was a fitness instructor for some very recognizable faces and his job had him travelling all the time. Originally, he'd gone to school to study law but dropped out when he realized that it wasn't his passion. I was glad when he changed his career choice since to me him wanting to go into law didn't fit with the Derek I knew - the star of the High School basketball team - because despite the fact that he'd always been really smart it wasn't like him to want to live out the rest of his life going to work in an office.

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