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"What's going on here?"

"Fuck off."

"I'm reporting this immediately!" Sam yells, his face filled with anger. I watch the girl, who was currently hanging onto his arm like it was her lifeline, go from an amused face to complete shock. I bet she couldn't believe what was coming out of his mouth.

I let go of Shawn and we make eye contact for a moment, before I give him a reassuring nod and walk over to Sam and his new girl.

"Sam, you're kind of scaring this girl. She might even leave. Am I right?" I say, directing the question to the girl in his arms.

She doesn't respond with any actual words, but Sam and I both see her nod her head slightly, causing Sam to knock it off.

"I'm only kidding babe, you know I would never be like that." He says, and traces her cheeks as she giggles.

And I just threw up in my mouth, thanks.

"You know, I honestly thought you were Mr.Rush for a second, no lie. I had a serious heart attack, thanks to you." I tell Sam, changing the topic.

"Aw, I would never try to scare you like that, you know me Nora." Sam says with a goofy smile on his face, and quickly, plants a kiss on my forehead.

This probably would be weird if Sam was anyone else, but he was Sam, and Sam has probably had make out sessions with walls. It's just in his nature.

I raise an eyebrow at him, motioning to his new girl. I'm not exactly sure she would take it the right way.

"What exactly are you doing here?" I turn to face Shawn, forgetting he was here.

If looks could kill, poor Sam would be six feet under and in a coffin.

"Obviously interrupting the most action Nora has ever gotten. You know she rejected me, and twenty other boys who tried to hit her up? The second I even put a finger on her she slapped it away. Not exactly sure about Marcus though, because I'm one hundred percent sure that he had a thing for her, he told me about how much he liked her every single day that I wanted to ash myself. You must be pretty special, my friend." Sam tells Shawn, and my eyes widen slightly.

Well this was all new information. I had no idea that Marcus had even given me a second look. Of course all these feelings were long gone, since Marcus now had Lilly and I had-

I stopped myself from completing the thought. I didn't have anyone, and never will. At least, not in this hotel I won't. Shawn came into this hotel the same year I did, but he could live in Britain for all I know. And I would forget both him and everyone else in this hotel if I ever stepped out of here- that's just how it works.

Still, I couldn't stop myself from thinking about Shawn, as dumb as it may sound.

"Sam, you never introduced me to your friend here. What's her name?" I ask, a plastic smile on my face once I see how red Shawn's cheeks became after hearing what Sam said.

Sam's face turns to stone, which is when I truly smile. He didn't remember her name, along with every other girl he would play around with.

How disappointing.

What was even more disappointing would be the fact that this girl opened her mouth for Sam, introducing herself before she could see him ask if it was Anna or Zoe.

"Name's Coretta Jones. It's a miracle I found this place, especially at this part of the war. It's almost too good to be true!" She tells me, and I notice a that she has some sort of accent I can't seem to pin point.

"Believe me, it is." I tell her, and I watch as Sam gives me a look. Me and him had pretty different views on Hotel Midnight, but I wasn't going to let that get in the way of our friendship because quite frankly, my choices in friends were very limited.

Sucks to suck, I know.

"Alright, well Coretta and I were just about to take a nice swim before I went with you guys to the movie, but obviously you two are just a little busy, so we'll leave." Sam says, and I notice Shawn was still giving him a slightly icy stare. However when I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, the look had disappeared.

"No, we were just going. Coretta, is this your first day here?" I ask, trying to be as friendly as ever.

"Actually, it is. Why do you ask?" She says, and I shrug.

"I would take Sam, and you two can go ahead and go to the diner next door to this hotel. It's such a nice place, and the food that they prepare at this hotel is pretty nasty. They have five stars, and on the first day you're here, your whole table's meal is free. I'm sure it would be very romantic for you two, even though Sam will try and make you stay in this hotel. He's just being a little picky is all." I say, and I can see Sam shrug.

We have different views, but he never stopped me when I tried to make one of them leave.

"That's a good idea. Thanks, uh-" she stops, not knowing my name, although I'm sure it was thrown in this conversation somehow.

"Nora. And my pleasure, it was very nice meeting you." I say, then waving goodbye to her and Sam, bringing Shawn over to the door.

As we leave, the moment Coretta is facing the pool and Sam turns to look at me, I watch him wink at me, followed by me flicking him off.

"You can change your clothes in one of the hotel rooms. All the doors on this floor are unlocked, so you can pick whichever one." I tell Shawn as we walk down the hall.

"Yeah- hey Nora? I kind of have to ask this. Is what Sam said true? About you rejecting him and all those other guys?"

"I never knew about Marcus, so I'm pretty sure Sam made that up. As for the other twenty boys plus him, yeah. I rejected them, no big deal though."

"So am I going to be added onto that list of guys?"

I froze, looking into Shawn's eyes and seeing hope mixed with something else I couldn't describe. How was I supposed to respond to that?

"Shawn, I don't know. After we get out of this hotel we'll never see each other again. Our memory of this place will be gone. I won't remember you and you would remember me." I say to him, and he reaches over to wipe a tear from my face that I didn't know had ever left my eyes. The look on his face crushed me, and I watch as a sad smile forms on his lips.

"Believe me Nora, never in a million years could I forget a girl like you."


fuck me up that treat you better music video has me feeling all kinds of emotions

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