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"Green or blue, Miss Carter?"

"Red, thanks."

"Oh, but you wore a red one last night." The woman complains, and I shrug.

"And I'll wear one again tonight." I tell her. I hated these parties, which we didn't throw every night, but only the nights that a new member has joined the hotel. However after a few of these parties it tends to get annoying. And as I got ready, I could only hope that the new person joining us wasn't Shawn.

"I hear Marcus was caught by Mr.Rush, telling a girl to leave the hotel." The woman says, and I nod. I never got around to learning her name, but then again, I didn't really care.

"Yeah, he was."

"I don't know why he would do such a thing. I mean, this hotel is lovely! It has all the necessary needs that anyone could want! Marcus is just so stubborn."

Just as those words leave her mouth, I hear a knock on my hotel room door, and rush over to see who it is, escaping the conversation I'm in.

When I swing the door open, Marcus is standing there with a bruise on his cheek, looking extremely tired. A smile instantly appears on my face and I hug him, burying my head into his chest.

"Oh, thank God you're still in one piece, you were supposed to be back an hour ago!" I say, purely concerned.

"Yeah, well Mr. Rush thought a bonus hour would be nice this time." He tells me, and I sigh.

"What'd he do to you?" I ask, and Marcus shrugs, looking around the room like it was his first time seeing it. I know him, and when he does this- it means he wants to change the subject.

"The usual."

Before I can respond, the woman comes over and gasps when she sees Marcus and his bruise.

"Oh goodness, well isn't that just ugly. Nothing a little makeup can't fix though! We have to get you ready for the party too, Marcus. There's supposedly a new girl and boy, I'm so excited!" She says, and Marcus looks at me and rolls his eyes playfully, which causes me to smile slightly.

The lady puts Marcus in the seat I was once on and begins her work. While she pats and pats at his face to cover the scar, I notice something is distracting Marcus, but decide not to ask about it with the prep lady in the room. Instead, I simply ask a question I already know the answer to.

"Did you visit Lilly yet?"

"Not with this mark on my face. She doesn't need to know about it. Did you tell her what he did to you?"

"No, I told her I didn't remember."

"I think it's really smart of you guys to not tell Lilly, it keeps her happy about this hotel and she doesn't act stupid like you two." The woman enters our conversation, and I look at her with plain disgust before answering.

"I'm sorry, but I think you should just finish your work here and go. Last time I checked, workers weren't allowed to insult the guests."

"Of course, my apologies." The woman shuts her mouth immediately and continues on covering Marcus's bruise while Marcus gives me an amused look.

"I'm all done now. Nora, your dress is on the bed. Goodbye." She rushes out and I can't help but roll my eyes as she shuts the door behind her.

"I'm changing, I'll be back." I say, and walk into the bathroom with my dress in hand before quickly changing and walking out to find Marcus now in a suit. I don't question how he got into his suit so quickly, and instead tell him to go check on Lilly, and see how she is.

"Alright, see you at the party." He says, and I nod my head as he leaves. I wait a few moments before opening the door, and walking to room 140, the room Shawn said that he was going to be staying in.

I pray that he isn't in there, that he took my advice and left. Mr.Rush or anyone else can't stop someone from leaving, especially on their first day here. If they're touching the door, nobody has any physical power to make them stay.

Which is great for when I get out of this place.

When I reach the room, I quickly knock on the door, hoping that no one opens it. After a while with no response, I reach for the doorknob and twist it, noticing that this room was unlocked. Which isn't a good sign, because all hotel rooms not in use should be locked.

When I open the door slowly and quietly, I notice nothing out of odd, until I see the woman that fixed Marcus's face, her back facing me. I watch as she holds something in her hands, and almost gasp when I notice it was a clock.

"A week is too far away, too far." She says, and I notice an open drawer, then smiling when I realize that's where she was hiding it. Slowly, I shut the door and walk towards the stairs.

I need to find Marcus and tell him.

I enter the room we were all supposed to be in, yawning the moment I see everyone in their fancy dresses and suits.

I'm not sure who does these parties, but they obviously haven't left the hotel in a while, because this was not what a teenage party is like. At least, that's what I assume, because I can't specifically remember one.

"Hey, Nora, right?" My thoughts are interrupted by the voice, and my heart drops when I notice the owner of the voice.

This was not good at all.



Hotel Midnight // Shawn Mendes (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now