Chapter 14

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(Zayn's POV)

I stood on the bottom step and stared. There, sitting on the couch, was a cold, tired, sleeping Becca. Beside her, sat Niall, Liam, and Harry. Across the room, was Perrie! I ran to her and saw she was almost in tears!

"What's wrong? What happened babe?" I asked, pulling her into a hug.

"W-well. I was coming over to see you. As soon as I got to my car, I saw Becca sleeping in the cold! She was so scared when I woke her up. It was as if she was brainwashed. She was so scared and confused so I put her in the car and I came here. Harry and Liam were just walking up the steps so I stopped them. They carried her in here and she fell asleep!" She was full on crying now. I hugged her tighter and I rocked us back and forth. She finally calmed down so I took her upstairs to my bedroom and we fell asleep with each other in our arms.

(Niall's POV)

I was on the couch with my head in my hands when Harry and Liam burst in with Becca in Liam's arms! I quickly stood and looked at her. Her skin was white and her lips were blue. she looked at me with her blue eyes. They were full of fear. She looked like a zombie. Her eyes had bags under them and she looked so tired.

I ran and grabbed a pillow and blankets. They laid her on the couch and I covered her. Zayn calmed Perrie down and they disappeared upstairs. 

I looked towards Becca and noticed her shivering in her sleep.

"Lads, she needs to be warmed up. Fast." I said. Liam and Harry nodded and Liam went to go start the bath.

I went over beside Becca and set her on my hip. She stirred but didn't wake up.

"Becca. Wake up, princess." I whispered in her ear. Her eyes popped open and then she kind of panicked but I held her freezing body close to me and she curled up against my chest.

I brought her to the bathroom and Liam stood there, turning the water off. We nodded at each other and I set her on the counter. We peeled back the clothes she was wearing and she shivered even more. I picked her up and dipped her feet in the water.

She whimpered because she was so cold and lifted her legs up so they were out of the water.

"Shhhh, I know princes, but we have to warm you up." She didn't move so Liam grabbed her legs and straightened them. She struggled but he didn't let go. I slowly let her down and Liam made sure she didn't move and finally, we got her whole body in the tub. Her whimpering finally stopped and her skin was slowly coming back to its normal color.

We dried her off and got her in some fuzzy pajamas. I laid her on the couch and curled up beside her.


 (Becca's POV)

Scared. That's what I was. I wanted to go back to the adoption center but I thought they might look for me there. I went to the first place I thought of next. Perrie's house. I walked to her car and leaned my head on the wheel.

Next thing I knew, I was looking right into the beautiful eyes of my favorite Irish boy. I was scared that maybe he was going to yell at me but he simply looked......relived? I was too tired to ask so I fell asleep in Liam's arms.

I never saw Dad.

I needed him.

I missed him.


(Louis' POV)

I got up in the morning feeling like crap. I looked at the clock and it said it was only nine o' clock. I groaned and got out my phone. There was one missed call from Eleanor. I called her back and we made plans for a date tomorrow night.

My throat was feeling dry so went downstairs to get a drink. I walked past her room and couldn't believe what I saw. Becca. My Becca. My daughter, was sleeping on the couch. Niall was cuddled up beside her and Harry and Liam were on the floor. I smiled. She looked so adorable all cuddled next to Niall. I got my drink and woke up Harry and Liam. We all took put our phones and took pictures. We decided to let them sleep because if we wake up Niall, she will probably wake up too.

The lads decided to fill me in on how she got here. I had to thank Perrie later. We all had tea and Zayn and Perrie came downstairs. As soon as she walked in the room, I jumped up and hugged her tightly. "Thank you so much, Perrie. I don't know how to thank you." She hugged me back.

"The only way you can thank me is to make up with her and make her life easier. That little fragile girl has been through too much and I don't like it. Louis Tomlinson, You will be the one to change her life. Do you hear me?" She asked me. I nodded and she smiled. 

Around noon, Niall and Becca woke up. As soon as she saw us in the room, she shied back. she was scared. She was frightened of me. This is worse than I thought. I took a step forward and she flinched. I stoped and tried to smile.

"Becca. I am truly sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. You are my daughter and you are one that I could never let go. Nothing can ever come between you and I. I want to be your father. I want to be the one who will be here for you for the rest of your life. I want you to trust me and I want to spoil you until you have everything in the world. I want to take care of you. I want you to be happy. You need to be loved. You make us all so happy when you are here. I do not want to frighten you. I want to make you smile and laugh. I want you to grow up and be a happy person. I want you to have the life that you want. I love you. I want to change your life, Becca." I finished and looked her right in the eye. She was crying.

I ran to her and she hugged me as if  was going to disappear. "I'm sorry Dad. I love you so much. You already changed my life. Thank you. Thank you so much. I love you." She whispered to me. I looked at all the lads. They all had tears in their eyes. She cried into my chest softly and I carried her into her room. I went to leave but she grabbed my wrist and asked me to stay. I smiled and crawled into bed with her. We both fell asleep cuddled into each other.

(Harry's POV)

Lou's speech was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard. I looked over and all the lads had tears too. She cried into him for a while and he finally went upstairs and never came back. We all just stood there. it was still sinking in. It was amazing how they could fight and then just make up like that. It was.......beautiful. I really think Louis is going to change Becca's life. Eventually, everyone left to go do their own thing but I stayed in the living room.

I sat, thinking about this. we all could. We could all make her happy. We would let Louis do all the amazing stuff but we could take her to meet family. We could do stuff as a family. We could also see those pretty blue eyes sparkle, that smile brighten the room, her spirit light up as she comes out of her little shell.

We could help.

This is it.

We might.

No. We will. I made a promise to myself. And I just know, the rest of the lads are doing the same thing.


I almost cried writing this chapter! Louis speech just came to me. I think this is my most favorite chapter EVER!





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