Chapter 9 - I'm back to my old ways.

ابدأ من البداية

I got off the couch & headed upstairs. When I reached my room, I plopped down on my bed, & began to think.

Maybe Danielle is right. I mean, why else would he be trying to get me to apologize to him? Over the last two days, he’s sent me a total of 62 texts. It’s kind of sweet that he really wants my forgiveness.

I was interrupted from my thoughts by my phone vibrating. I sighed and opened the message.

From: Heartbreaker :\
To: Me

I know you’re thinking about me, just as much as I am thinking about you. Can we please just talk this out? I’d rather not go to school & have you ignoring me. So pleasseee meet me at the beach at 7:45. I know it’s where we both do our best thinking. So please Destiny, I’m begging you.

Should I? I mean, I sorta do want to hear what he has to say. But then again, everything he says might be just be a better chance to get in my pants.

I looked at the clock. 7:16. The beach is about a 20 minute drive. What the heck? I’m gonna go. What’s the harm?

I quickly threw on my purple jean shorts & tank top, grabbed my phone & keys, & headed out the door.

- – – –

After a long car ride of thinking, I pulled up the the parking lot of the beach. 7:43. I waited for a few minutes, then another car pulled up to the left of my car. A car I know all to well. Trey’s.

He stepped out of his car, & slowly made his way to me. He was wearing a white beater, showing his perfectly toned movies, & basketball shorts that went just below his knees because he was sagging.

He approached my car & opened my door. “Walk with me.” He said holding out his hand.

I thought for a second, but nodded & took his hand. He lead me to the part of the beach where the water washes on the shore & continued to walk along it. The whole time, his hand was in mine.(Like the cover of this story, next to the title where the main chapters are.) It made me feel safe, like nothing in the world could harm me, all because he had his hand in mine.

We continued to walk, & he got into the rhythm of swinging my arm back & forth lightly.

“You know,” He started, “You’re the only one who has ever had the nerve to talk to me the way you did?” He was still looking out at the ocean with that cute thinking face on.

“Yeah, well..” I trailed off.

“I actually thought it made you look even sexier.“ He let out a chuckle.

“Yeah.” I said sounding bored.

“But it also made me think.” He stopped swinging my arm & stopped walking. He look me deeep in the eyes & continued, “You were right. I do need to stop being afraid. It made me realize that someone I really care about, may not be there because I’m pushing them away.”

I stared back into his eyes, & I instantly made my decision. But I let him continue anyways.

“I don’t want to do that with you,” He took both my hands in his, “I’ve known you two weeks & you already have this effect on me. I feel as if I can be myself around you, & you won’t judge me. You want to be there for me. So Destiny, will you please forgive me?”

I thought for a minute or two. He must have realized because he very lightly brushed his lips across mine. He went to pull away but I grabbed him by the shirt & deepened the kiss. He glided his tongue across my lower lip, begging for an entrance. I immediately accepted & we were playing a game of tonsil hockey.

His arms slithered around my waist, while mine tightly wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer. So here we were, making out at an empty beach.

I pulled away & he smirked. “Is that a yes?”

I laughed. “Baby-boy, you had your chance.” I pecked him on the lips again.

He had a look of confusion on his face.

I smirked & seductively leaned closer to his ear & whispered,

“I’m back to my old ways.”

I winked at him & jogged back to my car, feeling accomplished, & leaving Trey stunned!

Him – 3
Me – 4

- – – –

Later That Night.

“Yo, Dee, I’m heading to Jacob’s with a few of the guys & he wants you to swing by. You comin’?” Said my brother, Craig, as he entered my room.

“Ever heard of knocking?” I scoffed.

He rolled his eyes. “Whatever. You comin’ or what?”

“Yeah, give me a sec to get my stuff.” I said.

He nodded. “I’ll be in the car.”

I got my phone, keys, & headed out the door.

- – – –

“Hey! You guys made it!” Jacob exclaimed as he let us into the house.

“You know I wasn’t gonna miss this. You’re game room is fuckin’ huge!” Craig said overly-excited.

“You can head there, the rest of the guys are already here.”

He nodded & headed down one of the long hallways.

“So where’s Ayana?” I asked as he lead us down the long hallway Craig went down.

“She’s with some guy, Randy I think.” He replied.

“Oh! That’s nice.” I smiled. “So who’s all here?”

“Nick, Terrance, Tyler, Micheal, Logan, Trey, Byron-”

“Trey?!” I interrupted. I’ve had enough of him today. Why didn’t I get this warning before I left? Ugh!

“Yeah! He’s part of the dance team, so of course.” He said as we walked into the game room.

It was huge. It had all the game systems from PS3 to XBox360! Plus! He had arcade games, new & classic. Not even our game room has all that! i’m truly amazed.

“Wow.” Was all I managed to get out.

“Yeah, It’s pretty dope.” He chuckled.

“OMG! Please tell me you have C.O.D” I said a little too loudly because every head turned toward me.

I slightly blushed & apologized.

“It’s not as if you could beat anyone here,” Came a voice that was all to familiar. I turned my head & there he was with the same smirk as always.

Everyone in the room ‘Oh’d’. I smell a competition coming on.

I smirked. “Really? How about we make this interesting then?”

“Fine. I win, you give me a lap dance.” He said.

“BRO!! That’s my fuckin’ sister!“ Craig shouted.

“Don’t worry bro, it won’t be happening. Bet. But when I win, you go to school in a dress & heels & come over early so I can do your makeup.” I smirked.

“You’re on.” & We shook on it.

- – – –

“I won, I won, I shot the BB gun! You lost, you lost, you ate tomato sauce!” I gloated in Trey’s face.

“You got whooped by my sister. Pathetic bro.” Craig said disappointed.

“Better luck next time.” Said Jacob.

“Whatever, I have a date to go fuck’ Jasmine. Later.” & He walked out of the door.

I fuckin’ hate him.

Two can play that game.


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