Chapter 17: Rescue Mission

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Greer stood at the back door surround by unconscious men. The plan was for them to split up and take out as many men that came their way. Greer had been assigned the back door, were it was least guarded. Even though she hated the idea, Greer had taken out the five men roaming around back.

Before any more men came Greer ripped the keys off of one of the motionless men and unlocked the back door. Greer ran into the building, running up a set of stairs. From up here she could see the entire building but she couldn't see where her family was or where the boys were. She knew they were here, but where?

"You're running out of time Harry," Greer ducked down when she heard the voice she had spoken to on the phone fill the quiet air. Looking down Greer saw her family tied up to different chairs, some unconscious, others awake and alert. Greer saw the one that they call Snake, just like his poisonous name he looked vial with his red beating eyes, and a deep scar on his face.

Casey was waiting for his signal to come crashing done from the ceiling; Casey's route into the building was him scaling the side of the building and waiting on the roof top for the perfect moment to up into action. Casey watched through the window on the roof as the man he presumed was Snake dragged a knife across Harry's face. Casey hoped silently that Toothy, Buff, Viper, and Connor had been successful in tying up all the men, but Casey had no way of knowing if they had been captured or if they were harmed in any way.

'Greer!' while thinking about the four men that were risking their lives, Casey thought about Greer and started freaking out, what if she wasn't okay? What if they got her? Casey then remembered that he was looking down into the building he would know if they had Greer. At the thought Casey calmed down just a little.

Connor stayed close to Toothy, Viper, and Buff afraid of what might happen if he wondered too far. Connor tried his not to be disgusted by the way the three goons mercilessly killed anyone that crossed their path, but Connor couldn't contain his horror every time he saw the light behind a person's eyes disappear. No matter how many bad things these people did that didn't matter to Connor, they were still people who were born into a terrible situation.

Connor walked quietly behind the three, they had just gotten past the guards at the front door and now they were walking down a dark hallway leading to what they presumed to be the main room of the building. The further Connor walked down the hallway the greater feeling of doom leaked into his mind. Greer had described the feelings she got right before the attack in the alley way as cool chills running up and down her arms, and a sense of fear. Those feelings that Greer described seem to be amplified for Connor.

Connor felt like someone was watching them, but he every time he would look around nobody was there. Connor played it off as his imagination running wild, but the more he walked the more movement he saw in the shadows. Connor thought he was being delusional so he kept walking not even thinking about mentioning it to the others. That's where the nightmare began.

"Ugh!" Connor heard a deep voice say. The chills on his arms grew wilder, more present. The gut feeling of utter doom grew at each 'ugh' he heard.

"Guys is-" before Connor could ask the three of them what was happening he felt a rag go over his mouth. Connor knew what it was, and he tried to fight the person off, he tried to hold his breathe, but from a lack of oxygen Connor was too weak to fight the person with their arms wrapped tightly around him. Connor felt his lungs burning demanding oxygen, Connor knew that the he was going to black out either way, from lack of oxygen or because of the chloroform. Connor had two options suffering a slow brutally way to pass out, or just inhale and pass out. Deciding it was for the best Connor breathed in the nasty chemical and everything went dark.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Nov 01, 2016 ⏰

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