Chapter 1: Men In Tights Don't Exist!

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*"Hero- an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles"- Christopher Reeve


Chapter One: Men In Tights Don't Exist!

Greer Klaine has always lived in Moorville, a small community twenty minutes outside of Brooklyn. Moorvile was never considered 'safe', drug deals always went on behind closed doors, shootings often happened, rapes, robberies, and muggings. Many people wished to move from Moorville but they couldn't afford the cost of living anywhere else but there.

Greer had a normal enough life, with the addition of always being scared that she was going to be raped, or killed. Every day when Greer walked to school for example, she always carried a switch blade in her pocket in case someone tried to mug her. Greer has always lived in fear that one day someone would walk through her front door and finish her, her father, and brother off like they had already done to her mother.

When Greer was ten, and her brother, Marvin, was five, a drunken man on a rampage broke into the Klaine house and robbed them while Greer, Marvin, and Harry, Greer's father, were at the park. It was only Quinn who was home, Greer's mother, when the man broke in. He demanded that she showed him where all the valuables were in the house holding her at gun point, after taking everything in the house the man shoot her killing her instantly.

When the trio of Klaine's came back from the park they saw Quinn lying on the brown hardwood floor lying in her own blood. That day Greer learned that there are no superheroes in life to save you from all the evils in the world, the only people that can save you are yourselves. Seeing her mother lying on the ground made Greer changed her perspective on the way of life. She realized that not everything is rainbows and butterflies, its evil and more evil. That's why since that day Greer became cold and distinct to anyone besides her family.

She believed it was her job to help provide for the family, so every day after school she would work at the diner until ten at night, and then she would take a train over to the club where she would work until close to two in the morning. Somewhere along those lines Greer would do her homework, she had a plan in life and the only way to bring her family out of gun rampages was to succeeded in school so she could get a good job in the future. After working all night long Greer would return home being carefully of all dangers that lurked the dark alley ways at night. She would run through her front door and deadbolt it so nobody would get in. By this time it was pushing three, she never made it to her bed she slept on the couch until six. This was how her life was every day; she ran on three hours of sleep almost every day and never once complained.

It's been seven years since Quinn's passing, and even through it was hard to deal with the family has accepted the events that had happen. Harry took up two jobs, which meant he was hardly home. That left Greer to take care of Marvin all by herself, on school days Marvin stayed at his friend's house who lived in a better part of town. There Greer knew that her thirteen year old brother was safe, and that he was getting food.

The sun broke over the horizon lighting the sky in pretty soft pink and blue colors with some shades of orange. The sun shined down on Greer making the switch blade in her back pocket glimmer. Greer was walking down the last alleyway before she would feel a sense of security. No juveniles would dare past the Creekville line because they knew the police waited there waiting for a chance to arrest them. It was like some unspoken thing that the police didn't cross the Creekville line because as long as they didn't bring crime to the bigger parts of New York it was okay, just let the criminals rot away in Moorville.

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