Chapter 3:Men in Mask Scare Me

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Chapter Three: Men in Mask Scare Me

Greer, Casey do you know why you are here?" Principal Gunner said closing his office door blocking any bystanders from hearing their conversation. Principal Gunner was a tall round man with a huge beer gut. The top of his head was bald leaving the sides of his head covered in thin blond hair. He had these dangerous icy blue eyes that could make anyone walk under pressure.

"No sir I have no idea," Greer said fumbling with the buttons on her sweater. Her small action didn't go unnoticed by Casey, he has learned by now that Greer is very shy around new people and that she gets nervous when she has to talk. Casey reached over Greer's arm rest and grabbed her hand and squeezed it to reassure her.

"I don't know why we are here either sir," Casey said wanting more than anything to whisk Greer away from this uncomfortable situation. Casey hated when Greer went from being all bubbly to this shy girl it mad Casey feel terrible that he had put her in that situation.

"Well, the two of you have been call down here today because you both are the top of your class academics wise. As a rewarded you both received a trip to Paris. We will provide you will money for travel, hotel sleeping arrangements, but you have to provide your own money for food and any gifts that you want to bring back. The two of you will represent our school in the finest way I am positive, so do you two accept?" Greer hesitated not sure if she could say yes. The money that she had saved for fun activities is enough for a week in Paris, but what happens if the family needs the money more?

"I am honored Principal Gunner and I do accept," Casey said confidently. He had no worries about money seeing as his parents would give it to him. Casey had no real sense of how much things cost, it wasn't his fault he just came from a house where everything was always provided for him.

"I don't know Principal Gunner I have to talk to my dad first," Greer desperately wanted to go but she didn't want to take money away that might be needed for her family.

School had ended, and today Greer didn't have to work at the dinner or the bar it was her first official day off since Christmas. Greer walked home this day accompanied by Marvin. Since she didn't have to work today she decided to pick Marvin up from school and walk with him back home to spend some time with him.

The two walked through the front door Marvin running straight in the direction of their second hand old fridge to search for something to eat. There wasn't much in the fridge, since Greer had yet to go to the store this week. After searching through the whole fridge two times Marvin settled on a red apple. "Do you have homework?" Greer said plumping herself down on their beat up couch with holes all over it pulling her books out of her book bag and laying them on the coffee table sitting in front of the couch.

"Yes can I watch TV while I do my homework?" Marvin said taking a seat next to his sister and pulling out his books. Unlike, Greer Marvin never tried to work ahead in school he waited to the absolute last minute to do homework which resulted in him having to spend hours each night doing homework.

"As long as you promise to pay attention to your homework then I don't care," Greer had already finished five of her math problems by the time Marvin had found the remote. By the time he settled on a TV station Greer had finished her math homework. She knew that Marvin was stalling again, he hated doing homework with a burning passion. Greer couldn't help but notice how big her little brother had gotten. It seems like only yesterday that Marvin was begging to go with Greer where ever she went, and now Marvin was taller than her, and had a deep voice. His baby face was long gone, being replaced by a more defined chiseled pale face. Marvin's eyes were the same clear color has mom's, bright green. Marvin had the same dark thick hair that both Greer and Harry shared, expect Marvin kept his shaggy so it hung over his unlike his father.

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