Chapter 11: A Dinner Party

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Greer walked through the mall shopping for a gown for the dinner party that she would be attending tonight with the rest of the Porter family, including Marvin. Sometime after the 'Beth' incident' Carly had mentioned to Greer that she and her little brother would be attending the Smith's dinner party from done the street. The event was a mixture of a ball and a dinner party, which meant Greer had to buy yet another expensive gown. Greer declined Carly's offer to buy her a new dress, but after Carly said that she wanted to spoil Greer because she never had a daughter Greer carved not wanting to make Carly upset.

Greer walked around the huge mall accompanied by Marvin, Connor, and Casey all three whom had to buy a fancy suit for the occasion. Greer didn't understand why they couldn't just wear one of their old ones, Connor and Casey that is, but she didn't dare question Carly. The four walked up and down the mall looking for a store that Greer could go into, they wanted to get Greer's shopping over with first since it would take the longest.

"Here's a good store," Casey said pointing to a store that was lined with formal looking attire. Greer hated shopping with every fiber of her being, but she swallowed her hatred and walked into the store heading straight to her size to find the 'perfect gown'.

"You know if you want to get out of the mall before the sun sets you three nimrods could help me look," Greer was running out of patience. She had just finished a eight hour shift at Jeb's and all she wanted to do was sleep, but she couldn't she had to go to some dinner table and pretend to someone that she wasn't.

"I think you should wear a soft color, you have naturally tan skin and soft colors go better with your skin tone," Connor said while looking through the gowns that were strictly soft tones. Greer just watched as Connor searched through the rakes kind of giddy that he paid that much attention to her and her looks.

"Wrong brother Greer has beautiful eyes and to make them pop more she needs more dark colors, like blue or greens," Casey said running his hands up and down the gown rack that held all the dark tone gowns. Greer didn't understand why Casey was paying attention to her like that or why he cared so much about what shade/tone she wore.

"Guys she's my sister and I think she looks good in anything," Marvin said while randomly searching through a rake of gowns. Greer let out a sigh of relief; at least one of them was acting normal.

"Here try this one on," all three boys held up three completely different gowns for Greer to try on, which made her add them to her pile of three other gowns she was going to try on. Greer let out a huff and walked into the dressing room, looks like she was giving a mini fashion how to three hormonal teenage boys, joy.

Greer stripped out of her uniform and pulled the white dress she had picked out onto her body. Greer didn't need to walk out of the dressing room to know that she hated the way it looked on her, and she didn't need the guys' opinion on the matter. Greer quickly changed out of the white gown into a lacy black gown that she picked out instantly hating the way it made her look like a witch or something. Greer once again changed out of that gown and put on the tan colored gown, at first Greer liked the way it looked on her but the moment she began to walk out of the dressing room she hated how it made her look bigger than she was. Greer picked up the teal colored gown that her brother had picked out for her. She liked the way it flowed done her body, making it seem like she had curves, but she didn't like the way it fit her like a glove. Greer than put on the soft candle light colored dress that Connor had picked out and fell instantly in love with it. She didn't need to try on the dress that Casey wanted her to wear because she loved the one that was currently on her body.

The candle light colored dress fit tightly on the top in the shape of a heart. The skirt came do into a full length ball gown that moved in a beautiful way when Greer moved around. The sleeves covered in lace reached to her elbows. Greer didn't need to step outside to get the boys' opinion because she loved the dress so much. Greer quickly took off her dress and put on her regular clothes. Greer walked out of the dressing room to see all three boys dozing off in the chairs. Greer chuckled to herself at the sight of them.

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