Chapter XII

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I drove according to every speed limit, adhered to every road sign and only overtook one car on the freeway. Putting on a good show to every speeding, law bending motorist. Showing them how a law abiding citizen drives. Only if they knew that I was the worst of them all, an unauthorized driver. I might not be fit to drive for all I know.

Thankfully I made it to Menlyn mall with no trouble. I quickly found parking and went in to meet Natalie, who was at the food court. Apparently she hasn't eaten anything but I think there's some new burger or meal she just wants to try, she's such a foody.

"I thought you were driving here, what took you so long?"
And she didn't like waiting when she's hungry.
"I didn't take long, you are just impatient. Did you order?" I asked even though she was sitting nowhere near a restaurant.
"No I was waiting for you."
She seemed annoyed.
"Where to then?" I asked still trying to assess her mood. She can't be so grumpy because of food or my late arrival.
Instead of answering she just stood and led me towards Ocean Basket. Well that's new, I didn't know she was a fish person.

"Are you okay?" I asked after ordering our drinks.
"Yea just some random guy bumped into me and caused a scene, it was so unnecessary"
At least it's nothing major, it will be forgotten soon.

"Oh. The platter looks good. I'm gonna order one with oysters, I've never had oysters. Are they good?"
Suddenly I was famished. Couldn't recall the last time I had some real food. I've been living on cereal and sandwiches.

"Yep, really nice, try them." She said with a smile now. "I want a meal with prawns, it's been a while."
We both ordered individual platters, which were really too much for us. Even the waitress noticed because she brought us take away boxes before we could request it.

The service was really good. We didn't wait for our meal for too long and everything looked good and tasted even better. It was a pleasure tipping the waitress more than the specified ten percent gratuity.

"I don't think I can walk around doing shopping on such a full stomach" I playfully complained.

"How about a movie then" Natalie quickly suggested as if she has been waiting for this opportunity for some time now.

There were action movies, horror and everything boring. Lucy was the only movie that seemed less boring or depressing.

"I'll just have a strawberry slush"
Is this girl for real. You can't watch a movie with just a slush, that's a crime.
"No popcorn?" I asked.
"Nope, I've got no space for anything else"
I don't care if I had two full chickens and half a cow, I'm not watching a movie without popcorn or wine gums. Probably won't eat the gums or all the popcorn but I refuse to enter without them.
When I came back with all that Natalie gave me a disapproving look, looked at me as if I was a pig.

"What? I didn't say I'm too full for popcorn" I defended my unnecessary snacks.
"I didn't say anything" she simply replied, taking her drink.

Lucy turned out to be an interesting movie, scientific and all. By the time the movie ended it was late afternoon, around four.

"I'll drop you off" I said leading the way to the exit.
"Home?" Natalie inquired a little surprised.
"Nope halfway, you'll take a taxi from there. My mom is going to freak out if I get home late."
"Cool." Another one word answer. Natalie has been like this all day. It's as if she wants to say more but she's afraid to say it, she's holding back. I'll let it slide for today but if she's like this on Monday, I'll beat it out of her, whatever it is.

I said my little prayer before putting the key into the ignition.

"You don't have a license?!" Natalie exclaimed.
"No, but I have mad driving skills." I winked at her.
"How can you drive without a license?" She wasn't calming down.
"It's not the license that drives Natalie, it's the person. Will you relax."
She put on her seatbelt and faced forward.
"What you doing is not only illegal but dangerous too." She said, a lot more calmer now. Probably realizing that I can drive and she's not in any real danger.
"I plan to get my license soon. But you know how it is, I have to pay for the quoted fees plus the bribe. It's just too much and unfair." I tried to reason with not only her but myself too.

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