Chapter II

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Using public transport is no fun. The queues, rude drivers, possibility of not getting a sit on the bus or the bus coming too early and leaving you behind, or so late that it makes you late for work. And don't get me started on those rude, fat mamas who take up a sit and a half and act like they own the bus.

There was nothing good about travelling by bus until him.

Tammy you are staring.
Look away, look away now!!
My conscience warned, but I failed to react in time. He turned and caught me staring, he smiled as if to say 'you've been caught'. I quickly looked away feeling shy, like I've been caught with my hand in the cookie jar.

I badly wanted to look back at him, I'm not finished sussing him up. With a face like that a girl can't help but wonder if the body compliments the face.
It took every cell of self control not to look back up. Even when I felt someone take a sit next to me I didn't bother to look up.

Harry Styles just found out that Ken, the man who raised him, is not his biological father. This was one of those interesting parts in After by Anna Todd, yet I couldn't concentrate on it. Closing the book, I channelled my focus on the sound coming out of my earphones.

Kanye West- Mercy ended, Ed Sheeran- Photographs came on at a lower tempo and lower volume level, allowing me to hear some of the sounds in the bus. A very loud laughter made me look up.
I was met by white even teeth, lips not too thin and not as big as most black guys, just exquisite lips, small sexy eyes and a facial bone structure of a model.
I didn't think he can look hotter up close than when I saw him by the bus door. At least he's not a 'mooi van vir' kinda brother.

When I realised I was staring again I looked down, which wasn't the best move. My eyes fell on his biceps, yes biceps not just straight arms, this guy is seriously toned.
I moved my eyes slowly up to his shoulder then back down to his fingernails, which were a bit too well maintained for a guy. As if I was exhibiting a sculpture, my eyes moved to his chest and across it to his other bicep.
Without my consent,my hand moved up to touch and feel what my eyes perceived as the sexiest body I ever saw. I felt his eyes on me and instead of his body my hand moved to adjust the earphone plugged in my ear.

What's wrong with me? Why am I acting like a damn teenager? Gosh he must think me stupid? Why did he have to sit next to me?

I'm relieved when I see how close I am to getting off. I switch off the music and put my phone into my bag.
"Hey, howzit?" He says smiling at me
"I'm getting off." Oh God did I just say that. Couldn't I just say hello. This is so embarrassing.
Still smiling he makes way for me to get off. As soon as my feet hit the ground I promise myself not to let my usual bus leave me again.
I will run faster just so I don't have to be on the same bus with him again. One embarrassing encounter is enough for me.

(Author's note: isn't it funny how hot people can make u so dumb lol it's like they have a supernatural power to make your brain freeze. Tammy will meet him again and let's hope next she won't be star struck
Thanks for giving this book a chance. . love N)

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