Chapter IX

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"Are you sure? I mean you didn't stick around to find out?"
"Natalie I don't think kids go around calling random people daddy."

Talking about seeing the little happy family is like rubbing salt to a wound.
It would hurts less if you had suspicions, if you didn't trust the person but to be betrayed by someone you had so much faith in, that shit tears your whole world apart.

I know I've recently started being unfaithful, but that's just it, it's recent. Judging by the kid I'd say he's been at it for some years. She looks three so meaning she was conceived while we were together.

"What I'm wondering is who was he cheating on, me or the baby mama."

"I thought things like these only happened in movies. What was his plan? Have two families?"

"I don't know Nates, it hasn't really sunk in yet. How do I accept that my boyfriend of more than six years wasn't really mine, that while I was busy loving him whole heartedly he was busy making babies; when I was here trying to deny my attraction toward Ben he's out there playing happy family?"

I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

". . .I hate him so much!"
Natalie held me until I had no more tears to cry.

We didn't go back into the office until it was time to leave. Systems were down so we couldn't work.

"Let's hurry so you won't miss your bus?" Natalie quickly pushed through the glass door.
"Who needs a bus when there's a BMW picking you up"
"I forgot to ask you earlier, who was that?"
"Mr Bus"
"You lie! The last time I checked you two were just "bus buddies", what's happening now?" Natalie was getting excited.
"Well he's a great kisser" I blushed remembering the early hours on Sunday.
"Tell me more, please tell me more!"
"Tomorrow Nates"
I winked as Ben parked before us. After dropping Natalie off Ben started being his stupid self and the ride home was full of giggles.

The rest of the week went like that, riding with Ben every afternoon. In the morning I insisted on taking a bus, it seemed unreasonable that he should drive backwards to my hood and come past his home again.

I found out that Ben's family moved when Orchards was below their standard, but Ben and his sister insisted on staying. They were still in school but mostly they liked the idea of freedom and independence.

"It's hard to be your own person when you living under the influence of the great businessman, Gregory Tabane. So Tsholo and I saw it as an opportunity to grow and build our own wealth by staying behind. We don't wanna be trust fund babies."

"Tsholo has made it. As for me I'm still trying to break into the industry. Soon you'll see me on billboards saying "that's my man"."

He also told me about his up bringing, his plans for the future and much more. He's such an open guy, I just had to ask one question per day to get all this info.

Saturday came. We went to The Summit Venue for team building.
All was going well until we had to break into teams.

"I don't want to be on the same team with this faggot!" Kevin exclaimed.

We were all so shocked. How can he say such. Sip just ignored him and moved to another team.
Kevin seemed to wanna start something with Sipho because every chance he got he'd make a homophobic remark. Maybe it was the alcohol in his system.
Mr Modise ended up escorting him off the venue. From there it was just a fun day.

. . .
"Did you have a good day Mimi?"
Ben was dressed so good I felt like a hobo standing next to him in my sports wear.

"Uhm yea,  what's the occasion?"
"We meeting my sisters for lunch remember?"
I totally forgot and I had nothing to wear.
"Can we go back home so I can change?" I pulled my best puppy face but he wasn't having it.
"No, no, no! Tammy I've been reminding you all week about it!"
He was yelling at me and I felt like a naughty preschool girl. I bowed my head in shame.

"You can go on without me" I tried to get out of it.
"No, let's go buy something for you."
"I don't have money"
"Who asked you?" He snapped.

We drove in silence all the way to the mall. He walked so fast I literally ran behind him and when I caught up, I caught him silently laughing. Stupid guy.

Instinctively I went into Mr Price. He grabbed and pulled me so fast.

"What are you doing in there?"
"Aren't we buying a dress?" I was baffled.
"Oh Mimi I have a lot to teach you" he sounded exhausted.

He led the way to one of those boutiques I don't even glance at. The minimum price in these stores is R600. Do you know what can I get for R600 at Mr Price?! A whole outfit plus accessories. In here you get a bra for R600. But I couldn't deny the quality was six times better.

I felt like a kid in a theme park, not knowing which ride to go on first. Every dress was just so exquisite. I finally picked three to fit.

Ben set outside the dressing room like a judge and waited for me to parade myself.
The blue boobtube dress was first. It was just above my knees, tightening me from top to bottom and it made my bosom look huge.
I stepped out and Ben shifted a bit in his seat before shaking his head. "Not for lunch, a night out maybe"

I put the second dress, a little black number. It just hugged my curves the right way, just perfect for my petite body.
"Very nice, very very nice!" My judge approved but I felt it would be nice for a dinner date with just him.

The last one was an flowy elegant  white dress. The kind of dress that would show in-laws how good you'd look in a wedding dress.

OMG Tammy slow down! The guy hasn't even said the L word and you already thinking of a wedding.

We paired the white dress with strappy navy heels and bag. Ben insisted on taking the other two dresses, he also added red tiptoe heels and made me promise to wear them with the black dress next time we go out.

Next he took me to a beauty salon where they trimmed my short hair, did my nails and make up. I couldn't recognise myself. He held me by the figure and pulled me closer to him when a group of guys stared as we walked into the restaurant.

The place was so classy. I stared at everything except the name. Ben chuckled as I looked around in amazement. He seemed more amused than embarrassed that I'm not accustomed to the high life.

"Stick with me and I'll take you places" he whispered into my ear as he pulled the chair for me.

"Fam"  Ben said and all three ladies greeted back.

"Hey Tammy" Tsholo greeted and I shyly responded. I honestly didnt know how to act.
"This is my mom and sister Lesego. If we gonna wait for Ben to do the introduction we gonna wait a lifetime." We all laughed

Our server was ready to take our drink orders. I was glad when Lesego suggested a bottle of wine. I didn't know any of the drinks on the menu, let alone the pronunciation.

Nobody asked too many direct questions and again I was thankful. The conversation ranged from politics, entertainment and down to the food on our plates.

"So Ben where did you meet Tammy" his mom asked.
"The bus" Ben's answer seemed to startle Lesego.
"That long thing that carries more than 60 people, Lesego, you know it?"
Everybody laughed and Lesego made a face at her brother.

She's the last born. The family business was already well established when she was born so she has never been on public transport.

"Are you guys friends or friends with benefits?"
Tsholo meant that as a joke but Ben answered anyway.

"I only bring a serious girlfriend to lunch with my mom."
He took my hand in his as he said that and kept his eyes only on my face.

"Serious girlfriend?"

There was a moment of silence. I was sure everyone around the table could hear my heart skipping a beat.

(N/A: And no people this is not the happy ending lol
Who told you about a happy ending anyway
What makes me happy is you reading this story. .thank you)

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