Baddie Reloaded

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Bahja S. Rodriguez.

It was finally time to start the Interview and everybody but me was seated. Unfortunately for me I had to go on last since Craig stupid behind spilled juice on my clothes. I had on a peach floral top, white pants, and sandals. I fixed my hair and made sure I looked okay before I walked out.

"Mommy can I go out with you?" Brooklyn looked up at me.

"Alright but come here and let me straighten out your shirt and fix your hair." I said. I fixed Brooklyn up and re-did her hair. I heard the crowd chanting and I grabbed Brooklyn's hand and hurried over to my seat. The crowd cooed and chanted

"Welcome Bahja and Lil Bahja." Kerrie smiled at me.

"Thank you! sorry I took so long everybody, somebody spilled juice on me." I looked at my fans then at Craig. The crowed buzzed with laughter. 

"Hi."Brooklyn said shyly and scooted near me. 

"Helo sweetie how are you?" Kerrie looked at Brooklyn. 

"I am good." Brooklyn kicked her legs up and down. I whispered in her ear to stop and kissed her cheek. Craig looked like he just wanted to run over to Brooklyn and put her on his lap like he always does.

"Awh she's too cute. Well lets get down to the facts."Kerrie looked at the camera. 

"Lets get down." We all said at the time. I gave Brooklyn my phone to occupy her. 

"So tell me whats going on with you MB?" K turned to Chresanto,Craig,Jacob, and Rayan. 

"Well nothing really we just released our album and now were working on music videos and another album."Jacob spoke up. 

"That's popping! What about you OMG?" she turned to us. 

"Well as you know we just asked our label to drop us so we could put an album out for our fans. But we'll be signed to another label in well I'm not sure be we'll be signed to one and we'll release that album!"I smiled at the fans and blew a kiss. The rest of the interview we just talked about our groups and played games. One part I didn't like one bit is when Craig got up DURING the interview and picked Brooklyn up sitting her on his lap. What made it worse is that she kissed his cheek. In front of the cameras. When the interview ended me and the girls walked back to our dressing rooms parting ways with the boys. I decided that I wanted to talk to the fans you know tell them I'm still there and I'm doing this for them. As I scrolled down my TL all I saw was hurtful things about me. It's not that their just calling me a bitch and a whore because I really don't care but what hurt me the most was a tweet that read 

"You should just kill yourself. Your music is trash. Your trash. Your child's trash. You should overall be ashamed. Having a kid at an early age.. your just a plain old whore who let a man go between your legs and get it. Hell you ain't even worth Craig being with you. Stupid ass bitch." Hot tears burned my cheeks, my air got thinner, and the room began popping out at me. I curled my legs up and scooted into the corner. Breaunna and Zonnique began looking at me weirdly.

"Bahja are you okay?" Breaunna slowly walked over to me. I shook my head still staring at the wall. I've always been taught to ignore the haters but this one was true. I let someone take my box because I THOUGHT I loved him. I instantly felt trashy and bad. I put Craig through shit that didn't have anything to do with him or concern him. He almost got killed because of me. I could picture his body slumped over just like Brooklyn when she got shot. Zonnique examined me and then picked up my phone. She read it and gasped. 

"Bahja that's not true!" she screeched throwing my phone on the table like it was a game of hot potato. Breaunna knitted her eyebrows and then took a look at my phone.

"What's not true?" Craig walked through the door.

"Bahja do you really care about this stupid tweet?" Breaunna put her arms on her hips. I nodded and let several tears slip.

"I thought TT Sham taught you better than to believe any of these haters."Breaunna leaned down to my level. Craig looked at my phone and than threw it at the wall.

"BAHJA SHAMONI RODRIGUEZ I SWEAR PICK YO ASS UP OFF THAT DAMN FLO!" Craig clenched his jaw making his jawline pop even more. I slowly got up. Breaunna and Zonnique tried to help me.

"No leave her alone. Let her pick herself up just as she let herself fall down." Craig stopped them. They nodded than walked out the room.

"Bahja you believe this? This foolery? I love you, your music, Brooklyn, and most of all I love the fact that you even think I'm worth YOUR time. Not mine. Yours. It was me and you when we came up and its going to be me and you for are downfall. These haters can get under your skin but that's exactly where they want to be. In your skin. You can't change the past and you can't predict the future. But I'm sure as hell going to give you a reality check in the present. These girls wanna be you. Have a nice family, have me, Brooklyn, shit even a music career but you got it. Bahja Shamoni Rodriguez got it. Now are you going to pick yourself up or are you going to let these haters drag you down?" Craig said calmly. That's what I loved about him. His persistence. Even though they talked down on me his words always went over it. 

"I'm going to get up." I wiped my tears. I got up and grabbed a tissue, blowing my nose with it. 

"We grind just to get it."Craig said walking out the room. I cleaned myself up and looked in the mirror. I plastered a smile on my face. 

"Baddie Reloaded." I said admiring my features.

You are what you carry yourself to be. This was the day I learned through the pain, love, and jealousy you always reload yourself. People will talk down you, screw over you, and put you through pain. You'll doubt yourself, want to be someone else, and cry inside but remember once a baddie always a baddie. In other words once you're you always be that same exact person. You read my story about me vs. the world but there's more in store. Not just me but with everyone else also. Once a Baddie always a Baddie because thats what you call a Baddie Reloaded. 

Thats the ending! But there will be a sequel coming soon. I promise. Im truly sorry to all who didn't want this to end but you see its not. Im planning and mapping it all out for you guys! This is what I've been writing in my journal in class everyday. Just for you guys. I love you so much even though I only have 42 of you. I love my ghost readers because to me that shows me how many people read and love my stories. I read all of your stories and I'm in love with them so I can share that feeling with y'all! So to keep you occupied I want you guys to read "Star's Lights" and "The Misunderstood" which is re-wrote. P.S the girls feature in those two too. Haha. "two too." LOVE ALL OF YOU!

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